
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide 

6.2.4 Image files that can be set for component icons

You can set any image for each component icon displayed in the Flow tab of the Service Builder window.

Set a plug-in icon when you create or edit a plug-in. For a service component, the service template icon set in the definition information of the service template is used as the component icon. If you do not set any icon, the default plug-in icon or default service template icon is set.

Figure 6‒5: Default plug-in icon


Figure 6‒6: Default service template icon


You can set an image file that satisfies the conditions below for an icon. If you specify a file that does not satisfy the conditions, an error occurs when the file is registered.

File format

PNG format

Image size

48 x 48 pixels

The file name of the image registered as an icon is changed to icon.png.

Note that you can select and re-register an image file that has already been registered. In this case, the existing registered file is deleted, and replaced with the re-registered file.