
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide 

3.7.1 Overview of managing the versions of components used as steps

In JP1/AO, you can change the versions of components used as steps in a development service template in a batch or separately. When you change the versions of components, you can inherit the information set by users (such as property values). You can also check the versions of components used as steps. These functions can be used for components that have multiple versions.

If you change the versions of components using service components that contain further inside service components, the versions of those inside service components are not changed.

Functions of managing the versions of components used as steps

You can choose Apply to All or Individual apply as the method of checking and changing the versions of components used as steps. The following notes describe their functions.

Apply to All

This function changes the versions of all components used as steps to the latest versions of release plug-ins or service components in a batch. However, the steps that use the latest versions of components are not changed. You can also check the versions of all components used as steps.

Individual apply

This function changes the version of a specified component used as a step to any version you want. You can also check the version of a specified component.

The following table describes the difference between Apply to All and Individual apply.

Table 3‒14: Difference between the Apply to All and Individual apply functions

What is compared

Apply to All

Individual apply

Components whose version is subject to change

Components whose versions are older than the latest.

The specified component (of any versions).

Components after changing the versions

The latest versions of release plug-ins and service components.

The specified version of component.


These functions can be used for development service templates. If you want to change the versions of components used by steps in release service templates, copy the corresponding service templates beforehand, and then use them as development service templates.