
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide 

3.5.1 Procedure for defining the execution order of steps

After adding steps, the user connects the steps by using relational lines so that the steps will be arranged in the order they are executed in a task. By connecting steps by using relational lines, the execution order of the steps can be defined.

To define the execution order of steps:

  1. To enable the Auto Complete function for property values, right-click the canvas in the Flow area on the Flow tab of the Service Builder Edit window, and select Auto-completion of property values. If there is a tick beside Auto-completion of property values in the right-click menu, the Auto Complete function for property values is already enabled.

  2. In the Flow area, drag the white circle of the icon for the step that will be executed first, to the icon for the step that will be executed next. When the color of the icon changes, release the mouse button.

    Figure 3‒8: Service Builder Edit window Flow tab


Operation result

Steps are connected by relational lines.