
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide 

3.4.2 Procedure for editing steps

Editing a step is an operation of changing the definition information that was set in the Create Step dialog box when the step was created. You can change the definition information for a step in the Edit Step dialog box.

To edit a step:

  1. In the Flow area on the Flow tab of the Service Builder Edit window, right-click the step whose definition information you want to change, and select Edit. Alternatively, click the Edit button in the Step Properties area of the General tab.

  2. In the Edit Step dialog box, change the definition information for the step, and then click the OK button.

    Figure 3‒5: Edit Step dialog box


Operation result

The edited information for the step is set.


You can also change the definition information for a step by clicking the step in the Flow area, and then clicking the wrench icon above the step.