
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Developer's Guide 

1.1.1 Flow of service template development

In JP1/AO, you can use service templates to automate operating procedures. This functionality is particularly effective when applied to the automation of complex operating procedures, or procedures that are executed often but at irregular times.

You can create new service templates. You can also use the existing templates provided by JP1/AO#1 without modification, or copy an existing template and edit it#2 by adding and removing steps as needed.


Service templates provided by JP1/AO include the service templates provided with the JP1/AO standard package and the JP1/AO Content Set (available separately).


Before you can edit a service template provided by JP1/AO, you need to import the service template.


If you want to use a content plug-in provided by JP1/AO as the basis for service template development, import the service template that contains the content plug-in. Type Components (such as "vSphere Components") are provided as the service templates for providing plug-ins.

For details about the plug-ins contained in these service templates, see List of plug-ins contained in service templates in the manual JP1/Automatic Operation Service Template Reference.

The following figure shows the general procedure for developing service templates.

Figure 1‒1: Flow of service template development



Detailed input restrictions are not set for the properties of the plug-ins provided by JP1/AO because they were created for general-purpose use. If necessary, when using these plug-ins to create a service template, consider adding input restrictions on service properties (definition information of the service).

Related topics for creating new service templates

Related topics for editing service templates

Related topics for using unmodified service templates