
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Configuration Guide 

4.5.3 Procedure to change the SSH or Telnet port number used for communications between JP1/AO and operation target devices

To change the port number used for communications between JP1/AO and operation target devices, you must edit the definition file and register exceptions in the firewall.

Before you begin

Make sure that there are no tasks waiting or running in JP1/AO. In the Tasks window, check the tasks.

If any tasks are in an execution status (In Progress, Waiting for Input, In Progress (with Error), Terminated, or Long Running), stop the execution of those tasks or wait until the task statuses change to the ended status.

To change the SSH or Telnet port number between JP1/AO and operation target devices:

  1. Stop the JP1/AO service.

    For non-cluster systems:
    Execute the hcmds64srv command with the stop option specified.
    For cluster systems:

    Use the cluster software to take the service offline.

  2. Change the port number by editing the following key in the definition file:

    • To change the SSH port number: ssh.port.number in

    • To change the Telnet port number: telnet.port.number in

    The folder that contains the above definition file is different for non-cluster systems and cluster systems.

    For non-cluster systems:
    JP1/AO-installation-folder\conf or /opt/jp1ao/conf
    For cluster systems:
    shared-folder-name\jp1ao\conf or shared-folder-name/jp1ao/conf
  3. Start the JP1/AO service.

    For non-cluster systems:
    Execute the hcmds64srv command with the start option specified.
    For cluster systems:
    Use the cluster software to bring the service online.

To specify the SSH or Telnet port number for each operation target device, use the connection-destination property file ( to specify it.