
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Configuration Guide 

2.6 Connection-destination property file (

This is the definition file for setting information used to establish connections when the following plug-ins are executed:



Installation folder

For non-cluster systems:

JP1/AO-installation-folder\conf\plugin\destinations or /opt/jp1ao/conf/plugin/destinations

For cluster systems:

shared-folder-name\jp1ao\conf\plugin\destinations or shared-folder-name/jp1ao/conf/plugin/destinations

Trigger for applying definitions

Executing a plug-in that references the connection-destination property file


One specification key and setting can be specified per line. Note the following points when coding the connection-destination property file.


Table 2‒9: Settings in the connection-destination property file

Key name


Specifiable values


Specifies the character set used for communication.

  • EUC-JP

  • eucjp

  • ibm-943C

  • ISO-8859-1

  • MS932

  • PCK

  • Shift_JIS

  • UTF-8

  • windows-31j


Specifies the port number used for a Telnet connection by using the terminal connect plug-in. This setting has priority over the telnet.port.number setting in the user-specified properties file (



Specifies the port number used for an SSH connection by using one of the following plug-ins:

  • General command plug-in

  • File-transfer plug-in

  • Terminal connect plug-in

  • Content plug-in

This setting has priority over the ssh.port.number setting in the user-specified properties file (



Specifies a regular expression pattern used to detect the character string that is output for prompting the user to enter a user ID to establish a connection with the target device by using the terminal connect plug-in. #4 You can use 1 to 1,024 characters. For example, specify Username:.

Character string that can be used in regular expression patterns


Specifies a regular expression pattern used to detect the character string that is output for prompting the user to enter a password to establish a connection with the target device by using the terminal connect plug-in. #5 You can use 1 to 1,024 characters. For example, specify Password:.

Character string that can be used in regular expression patterns


Specifies the port number of the service that does not return the standard output after a connection is established by using the terminal connect plug-in. You can use 1 to 1,024 characters. To specify multiple port numbers, use a comma as a separator.

0-65535, and commas (,)


Specifies the absolute path of the shared folder that stores the file to be transferred during command execution when a general command plug-in, file-transfer plug-in, or content plug-in is executed. The absolute path that you specify can have a maximum of 80 characters.

The value-of-this-property\Hitachi\CMALib\JP1AO folder is created, and then, in that folder, the home and launcher folders are created.

You must specify this property in the following cases:

  • The OS of the operation target device is Windows Server in a cluster configuration.

  • The logical host name or logical IP address is used to connect to the operation target device.

If you specify this property, you must also specify the wmi.workDirectory.sharedName property. In addition, you must specify the same folder name for this property and the wmi.workDirectory.sharedName property.

If you do not specify this property, the following folder is created.

  • When JP1/AO is in a non-cluster configuration or is on the active server of a cluster configuration:


  • When JP1/AO is on the standby server of a cluster configuration:


Single-byte alphanumeric characters, backslashes (\), colons (:), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.)


Specifies the name (share name) of the shared folder that stores the file to be transferred during command execution when a general command plug-in, file-transfer plug-in, or content plug-in is executed. The shared folder name that you specify can have a maximum of 80 characters.

The value-of-this-property\Hitachi\CMALib\JP1AO folder is created, and then, in that folder, the home and launcher folders are created.

You must specify this property in the following cases:

  • The OS of the operation target device is Windows Server in a cluster configuration.

  • The logical host name or logical IP address is used to connect to the operation target device.

This property must be specified when the wmi.workDirectory.sharedPath property is specified, as in the following example:

wmi.workDirectory.sharedPath = F:\\work

wmi.workDirectory.sharedName = work

Single-byte alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.)

In a Windows environment, specify this when you want to execute general command plug-ins, file-transfer plug-ins, and custom plug-ins to a Windows connection destination from multiple JP1/AO servers. For this property, specify a different value for each JP1/AO in the system. The maximum number of JP1/AO servers that connect to a Windows connection destination at the same time is 2.

In a Windows environment, specify this when, with respect to a device that is being operated that exists on both a physical host and a logical host of the same host, you want to execute general command plug-ins, file-transfer plug-ins, and custom plug-ins at the same time. For this property, in the connection-destination property file of each logical host, specify a different value for each logical host. You can specify either 1 or 2 characters for the value of this property. You cannot specify "2" (1 character) for the value of this property. The value specified for this property is used as part of the name of the shared folder that stores files transferred at the time of command execution. When specifying this property, you must specify both wmi.workDirectory.sharedPath and wmi.workDirectory.sharedName. The "property-specified-for-wmi.workDirectory.sharedPath\Hitachi\CMALib\JP1AO_value-specified-for-this-property" folder is created, and the "home" and "launcher" folders are created inside the folder.

If the local execution function is enabled and the operation target device is the local host, the specification of this property is invalid.

Single-byte alphanumeric characters


Specify whether to enable the function for executing plug-ins by a user other than the System account when the OS of the destination host is Windows and UAC is enabled.

This setting has priority over the plugin.wmi.win32.UACAdministratorsExec setting in the user-specified properties file (config_user. properties).

  • true: Enable the function.

  • false: Disable the function.


Enable this when the OS of the destination host is Windows and the command like that displays the progress bar may not work correctly if a user other than the System account executes the command.

This setting has priority over the plugin.wmi.win32.CreationFlags.CREATE_NO_WINDOW setting in the user-specified properties file (

  • true: Enable the function.

  • false: Disable the function.


Specifies the absolute path of the work folder that is used when a file-transfer plug-in or content plug-in is executed for an operation target device whose OS is UNIX. #1 The absolute path you specify can have a maximum of 128 characters.

You can specify a folder or symbolic link. You can also include a symbolic link in the path. If the specified value is invalid, the file-transfer plug-in or content plug-in terminates abnormally.

This product does not support a case where a file-transfer plug-in is executed for the folder whose path is specified in this property or for the parent folder of that folder.

The permission setting of the work folder must grant read, write, and execute permissions to the connected user.

If the path specified in this property does not exist when a file-transfer plug-in or content plug-in is executed, a folder is created when the plug-in is executed. If the folder cannot be created, the plug-in terminates abnormally. The permission setting of the work folder must be changed to 777 regardless of whether the work folder already exists or is newly created.

Single-byte alphanumeric characters, forward slashes (/), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.)


If the OS of the operation target device is Windows#2

This property specifies the path of the execution directory that is used to execute a content plug-in. Note that the execution directory must be created in advance on the same drive as the work folder. If necessary, the permission settings of that directory must also be changed. At least the user who executes the plug-in must be given execute permission.

If Execution Mode of a content plug-in is Script, the total length of the value specified here and script file name must not exceed 140 characters. If the total length exceeds 140 characters, transfer of the script file might fail. Note that the maximum length of the script file is 90 characters. Therefore, we recommend that you use a maximum of 50 characters to specify the value of this property.

If the OS of the operation target device is Linux#3

This property specifies the path of the execution directory that is used to execute a content plug-in. Note that the execution directory must be created in advance. If necessary, the permission settings of that directory must also be changed. At least the user who executes the plug-in must be given execute permission.

Character string having a maximum of 128 characters


Specifies whether to use SFTP when sending/receiving files using SSH in the File-transfer Plug-in and Content plug-in. This setting has priority over the plugin.sftp.enable setting in the user-specified properties file (

  • true: SFTP is used.

  • false: SCP is used.


The work directory is decided based on the following priority.


Setting value


Value specified for ssh.workDirectory


Value specified for plugin.remoteCommand.workDirectory.ssh in the user-specified properties file (




The execution directory name is determined from the following candidate values based on the indicated priority:


Candidate value


Execution directory value defined in the plug-in


Value specified for the common.executionDirectory key


Value specified for the plugin.remoteCommand.executionDirectory.wmi key in the user-specified properties file (


Value of the Windows %TEMP% environment variable at the connection destination of the operation target device


The execution directory name is determined from the following candidate values based on the indicated priority:


Candidate value


Execution directory value defined in the plug-in


Value specified for the common.executionDirectory key


Value specified for the plugin.remoteCommand.executionDirectory.ssh key in the user-specified properties file (




The prompt waiting for user ID is decided based on the following priority.


Setting value


Value specified in telnet.prompt.account


Value specified for plugin.terminal.prompt.account in the user-specified properties file (


login|Login Name|Username|UserName


The prompt waiting for password is decided based on the following priority.


Setting value


Value specified in telnet.prompt.password


Value specified for plugin.terminal.prompt.password in the user-specified properties file (



Example definition
