
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Configuration Guide 

1.6.3 Procedure to enable HTTPS connections

Set up the user_httpsd.conf file, and then store the private key file and SSL server certificate file in the specified folder to enable HTTPS connections on the Web server.

Before you begin

To enable HTTPS connections:

  1. Open the user_httpsd.conf file from the following location:

    • If the OS of the JP1/AO server is Windows


    • If the OS of the JP1/AO server is Linux


  2. Within the user_httpsd.conf file, do the following:
    • Uncomment the following lines by removing the hash [#] signs:

      #Listen 22016


      #HWSLogSSLVerbose On

      with the exception of #SSLCACertificateFile and #Header set Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000, which must remain commented out.

      For an IPv6 environment, remove the hash mark (#) at the beginning of the lines #Listen [::]:22016.

    • Edit the following lines as required:

      ServerName in the first line

      ServerName in the <VirtualHost> tag




    • For the ServerName directive in the top line and the ServerName directive in the <VirtualHost> tag, specify the host name (for cluster environments, specify the logical host name) that you specified for "Common Name" in the certificate signing request. Note that host names are case sensitive.
    • For the SSLCertificateKeyFile directive, specify the absolute path of the private key file.

      Do not specify a symbolic link and junction for the path.

    • For the SSLCertificateFile directive, specify the absolute path of the server certificate.

      There are two types of server certificates: certificates signed by a certificate authority and self-signed certificates.

    • To use a certificate of the certificate authority, remove the hash mark (#) at the beginning of the line for the SSLCACertificateFile directive, and then specify the absolute path of the certificate of the certificate authority. Multiple certificates can be contained in one file by using a text editor to chain multiple PEM format certificates. Note that you must not specify a symbolic link or junction for the path.


      To block non-SSL communication from external servers to the host, comment out the lines Listen 22015 and Listen [::]:22015 by adding a hash mark (#) to the beginning of each line. After you comment out these lines, remove the hash mark (#) from the line #Listen

      When editing directives, be aware of the following:

      • Do not specify the same directive twice.
      • Do not enter a line break in the middle of a directive.
      • When specifying paths in the following directives, do not specify symbolic links or junction points.
      • When specifying certificates and private key files in the following directives, specify PEM-format files.
      • Do not edit httpsd.conf and hsso_httpsd.conf files.

      The following is an example of how to edit the user_httpsd.conf file. The numbers represent the default ports.

      ServerName host-name
      Listen [::]:22015
      Listen 22015
      SSLEngine Off
      #Listen [::]:22016
      Listen 22016
      <VirtualHost *:22016>
      ServerName host-name
      SSLEngine On
      SSLProtocol +TLSv1.2
      # SSLCertificateKeyFile
      # SSLCertificateFile
      # Header set Strict-Transport-Security max-age=31536000
      HWSLogSSLVerbose On
  3. Start the JP1/AO service.
    • For non-cluster systems:

      Execute the hcmds64srv command with the start option specified.

    • For cluster systems:

      Use the cluster software to bring the service online.

  4. Update the JP1/AO URL by using the hcmds64chgurl command to do the following:
    • Change the protocol from http: to https:
    • Change the port number used for secure communication.
  5. If the OS of the JP1/AO server is Windows, change the URL of the shortcut file to the page displayed by performing the following operation:

    From the Start menu, select All Program, JP1_Automatic Operation, and then JP1_AO Login.


If the connection between the Web browser and JP1/AO is configured incorrectly, the HBase 64 Storage Mgmt Web Service might fail to start, preventing the JP1/AO login window from appearing.