
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Operation Configuration Guide 

1.3.3 Installation folder for each product

If the OS of the JP1/AO server is Windows, the installation folder of each product is specified by using the installation wizard. If the OS of the JP1/AO server is Linux, the installation folder is fixed and cannot be changed.

Table 1‒4: Default installation folder (in Windows)


Installation folder



system-drive\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1AO#1


JP1/AO - Contents

system-drive\Program Files (x86)\Hitachi\JP1AOCONT#2


Common Component#3

system-drive\Program Files\Hitachi\HiCommand\Base64#4



Y: Can be modified.


The JP1AO part is fixed. In this manual, JP1/AO installation folder refers to system-drive\Program Files\Hitachi\JP1AO.


The JP1AOCONT part is fixed.


This component is a collection of functions used in common with Hitachi Command Suite products. It is installed as one of the JP1/AO components.

If the Hitachi Command Suite products are installed, Common Component has already been installed in the folder that is created when the Hitachi Command Suite products are installed. In such a case, therefore, the system-drive\Program Files\Hitachi\HiCommand\Base64 folder is not created.


The HiCommand\Base64 part is fixed.

If you change the JP1/AO installation folder, it changes the system-drive\Program Files\Hitachi path.


The JP1Base part is fixed.

Table 1‒5: Installation folder (in Linux)


Installation folder



  • /opt/jp1ao

  • /var/opt/jp1ao


JP1/AO - Contents



Common Component#




N: Cannot be modified.


This component consists of the functions that are shared by Hitachi Command Suite products. This component is installed as a function of the JP1/AO.

If one or more Hitachi Command Suite products have already been installed, Common Component has already been installed in a folder that was created when the first Hitachi Command Suite product was installed. In such a case, therefore, the /opt/HiCommand/Base64 folder is not created.

If the OS of the JP1/AO server is Windows, do not specify any of the folders in the table below as the installation destination. Furthermore, do not specify the JP1/AO Content Pack installation folder (or its subfolder) as the installation destination of JP1/AO.

Table 1‒6: Folders that cannot be specified as the installation destination



Directly under the drive

You cannot specify a drive only, such as c:\ or d:\.

32-bit application folder in 64-bit Windows

You cannot specify %programfiles(x86)%#, %CommonProgramFiles(x86)%#, %WinDir%, %WinDir%\system32, and %programfiles%\WindowsApps.

Network drive



--: None


The installation destination of JP1/AO - Contents can be specified.