
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base Function Reference

A.1 Basic attributes

Note that the event ID and the message are the basic attributes used when user-defined events are issued. Use the other basic attributes for acquiring JP1 events or other purposes.

Table A‒1: Basic attributes of JP1 events



Serial number

The serial number of the JP1 events that arrived at the event server (including local events). Serial numbers are assigned regardless of the event-originating applications. This attribute is not stored when the JP1 event is transferred between event servers. The major purpose of this attribute is to ensure that the JP1 event will not be lost or duplicated when a user application acquires the event or the event is transferred to another event server.

Event ID

An eight-byte value indicating the event-originating application or the event that occurred in the application. Hitachi programs and user programs are allocated specific ranges of event IDs that they can use. The ranges of values that can be specified for user applications are from 0 to 0x1FFF and from 0x7FFF8000 to 0x7FFFFFFF. Each event ID must be unique within the entire system. The first four bytes of the event ID is the basic part and the last bytes of the event ID is the extended part.

Registered reason

The registration type of the JP1 event registered with the event server. This attribute is not stored when the JP1 event is transferred between event servers. There are the following registration types:


The event was issued from the local event server to the local event server.


The event is issued from the local event server to the remote event server.


The event was issued from the remote event server to the local event server.


The event was transferred from the remote event server to the local event server on the basis of the configuration settings.

Source process ID

The process ID of the event-originating application program.

Registered time

The time when the event was registered at the event-originating event server. The time is based on the clock of the event-originating host and represented with the number of seconds from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (UTC).

Arrived time

The time when the event was registered at the local event server. The time is represented with the number of seconds from 1970-01-01 00:00:00 (UTC). This attribute is not stored when the JP1 event is transferred between event servers.

Source user ID

The user ID of the event-originating process. In Windows and Java, this user ID is specified in the environment setting as a fixed value (-1 to 65,535).

Source group ID

The group ID of the event-originating process. In Windows and Java, this group ID is specified in the environment setting as a fixed value (-1 to 65,535).

Source user name

The user name of the event-originating process.

Source group name

The group name of the event-originating process. In Windows and Java, this group name is a null string.

Source event server name

The event server name of the event-originating application. This attribute indicates the event server name of the host where the JP1 event originated, even when the JP1 event has been transferred.

Destination event server name

This attributes indicates the name of the event server to which the JP1 event will be transferred when the transfer to the event server is explicitly specified by the event-originating application.

Source IP address

The IP address for the event-originating event server. Note that if the JP1 event passes through NAT or a proxy, or if the JP1 event is transferred by the environment setting, this IP address is not always correct.

Destination IP address

The IP address for the destination event server. Note that if the JP1 event passes through NAT or a proxy, or if the JP1 event is transferred by the environment setting, this IP address is not always correct.

Source serial number

The serial number of the JP1 event in the event database at the event-originating host. This serial number does not change when the JP1 event is transferred.

Code set

The name of the code set with which the messages, detailed information, and extended attributes are written.


The message should be:

  • A clear explanation of the event

  • Written in one line without a new line code

Detailed information

Any data