
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base Function Reference

1.1 Features

By using JP1/Base functions and definition files, you can perform the following operations:

Issue user-defined JP1 events

You can use JP1/Base to define system-issued events as JP1 events with user-defined event attributes. You can also configure such events so that they can be issued by user applications. JP1 events defined by users are called user-defined events. You can freely define the attributes of user-defined events.

You can use the JP1 event issuing function to issue user-defined events. For details about how to use the JP1 event issuing function to issue user-defined events, see Chapter 2. Issuing and Acquiring JP1 Events.

You can also display in JP1/IM - View the user-defined event attributes that have been added to a user-defined event. To do this, you must create definition files that contain descriptions of your user-defined event attributes. For details, see the manual JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Command and Definition File Reference.

Acquire JP1 events

JP1 events that a JP1 program or user application has registered with JP1/Base's event database can be acquired directly by other JP1 programs and user applications. After a user-defined event is issued from a user application to JP1/Base and the event is registered with the event database as a JP1 event, other user applications can use the event.

You can use the JP1 event acquisition function to acquire JP1 events.

For details about how to use the JP1 event acquisition function to acquire JP1 events, see Chapter 2. Issuing and Acquiring JP1 Events.