
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base Function Reference

Summary of amendments

The following table lists changes in this manual (3021-3-L11(E)) and product changes related to this manual.



The following OSs were added to the supported OSs:

  • Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2022

  • Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) Server 9 (64-bit x86_64)

  • Oracle Linux(R) Operating System 9


The following OSs were deleted from the supported OSs:

  • Windows(R) 10 Enterprise 32-bit

  • Windows(R) 10 Home 32-bit

  • Windows(R) 10 Pro 32-bit

  • HP-UX 11i V3 (IPF)

  • Solaris 11 (SPARC)

  • Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux(R) Server 6 (64-bit x86_64)

  • Oracle Linux(R) Operating System 6 (x64)

  • CentOS 6 (x64)

  • CentOS 7

  • CentOS 8


The following functions were removed:

  • JP1/SES compatibility function

  • SNMP trap conversion function


The following compiler was added:

Visual C++(R) 2019


Explanations on use in 2038 and later were added.

As a result, descriptions of the following items were changed or added:

  • The coding example provided for issuing a startup event in the SAMPLE application was changed.

  • 2038-compliant libraries and link options were added.

  • A description on using the JevGetArrivedTime() function and JevGetRegistTime() function as functions returning a time_t type return value was added.

  • 2038-compliant JevGetArrivedTimeT() and JevGetRegistTimeT() functions with equivalent functionality to the conventional JevGetArrivedTime() and JevGetRegistTime() functions were added.

  • The start time was removed from the events handled in the sample source file.

  • The code of the sample source file sender.c was changed.

2.2.1(2), 2.2.3, 2.3, 2.3.3, List of functions, JevGetArrivedTime (return value long type), JevGetArrivedTime (return value time_t type), JevGetArrivedTimeT, JevGetRegistTime (return value long type), JevGetRegistTime (return value time_t type), JevGetRegistTimeT, Appendix B.1(1), Appendix B.1(2)(a)


--: Not applicable

In addition to the above changes, minor editorial corrections were made.