
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base Messages


Cannot execute the command. Failed to simulate the user user-name environment.

The command cannot be executed because the user mapping failed.


Does not execute the command.


Make sure that:

  • The JP1 user (user-name) is defined in the user mapping for the command execution host.

  • The OS user defined in the user mapping exists, and the OS user distinguishes the domain user from the local user.

  • An asterisk (*) or a manager host name is set for Server host name for the JP1 user (user-name) defined in the user mapping.

  • If the operating system of the execution host is Windows and the OS user defined in the user mapping has the user rights Log on as a service and Log on locally.#1

  • If the operating system of the execution host is Windows, the password of the OS user defined in the user mapping has not changed.

  • If the operating system of the execution host is Windows and both physical and logical hosts are started at the same time, the jp1hosts information or jp1hosts2 is set.#2

  • If the operating system of the execution host is UNIX, the user ID of the OS user defined in the user mapping is valid.

  • If the OS user defined in the user mapping is a domain user, the domain controller is not restarted.

#1: For details about how to set the user rights, see 8.1.5(2) Assigning a user right to an OS user in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

#2: For details about how to set the information, see 5.4.5 Settings to configure both physical and logical host environments on the same logical host in the JP1/Base User's Guide.