
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base Messages


A connection could not be established between the authentication server and the directory server.(ds=directory-server-name,port=port-number, func=function-name,code=API-error-number)

An attempt to connect to the directory server failed.


Continues processing.


Confirm that the conditions described below are satisfied, take an appropriate action, and then restart JP1/Base (authentication server) or execute the reload command (jbs_spmd_reload). Note that, by using the connection check command (jbschkds), you can check the current directory server linkage setting and confirm whether a connection has been made to the directory server.

  • The directory server name and port number are correctly specified in the common definition.

  • The directory server is up and running.

  • Your environment supports the use of SSL (applicable if SSL is enabled).

  • The connection settings are correctly specified for the directory server.

  • The firewall settings are correctly specified.

In the following cases, check the status of the directory server:

  • The API error number is 0x800705b4.

    In this case, the connection to the directory server timed out.

  • The API error number is 0x8007200e.

    In this case, the directory server is busy.