
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base Messages


Monitoring cannot be performed because a connection with host-name cannot be established. (cause-message: detailed-information)

Monitoring is impossible because the host to be monitored cannot be connected.


Continues processing.


To correct the cause of the error, check the environment to make sure that it includes the items listed below. If the problem cannot be corrected, use the data collection tool to collect data for the host to be monitored and the monitoring host, and then contact the system administrator. For details about how to check the IP address version (IPv4/IPv6), see the description of the jp1ping command in the chapter on commands in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

  • The network is in the normal status.

  • Both the local host and the host to be monitored use the same IP address version (IPv4 or IPv6).

  • JP1/Base is running on the host to be monitored.

  • JP1/Base 07-51 or a later version is installed on the host to be monitored.

  • The health check function is valid on the host to be monitored.

  • If the communication encryption function is in use, the settings for the communication encryption function are correct.

If YES is set in the ERROR_DETAIL parameter of the health check definition file (jbshc.conf), error cause information (cause message and detailed information) is output. Check the system status based on the cause message. A system call name and error number are output in the detailed information as needed.

The following table shows the cause messages that are output and the corresponding actions to be taken:


Cause message

Action to be taken


Processing of the plug-in service reached the upper-limit.

This message might have been output because of a temporary error. Check the network settings and status.


Connection processing timed out.

This message might have been output because of a temporary error. Check the network settings and status. If the network settings and status are fine but this cause message is output frequently, recheck the communication timeout period.


Communication processing timed out.


The request timed out.


Memory is insufficient.

Check the system's memory usage status.


Resolution of the host name host-name failed.

Review the hosts information of the OS and either the DNS settings or the jp1hosts2 information.


The IP address version on the host host-name cannot be used in TCP networks.

The IP address version on the connection destination host cannot be used in the environment of the local host. Check the OS environment.


No IP addresses which can connect to the host host-name were found

No IP address that is the same version (IPv4/IPv6) as the IP address on the connection destination host has been assigned to the local host. Review the hosts information of the OS, and either the DNS settings or the jp1hosts2 information.


An attempt to connect to the host host-name failed.

Check the network settings and status. Make sure that JP1/Base is running on the host to be monitored. If both are fine but the cause message is output frequently, review the monitoring threshold value.


An error occurred during a connection with the host host-name.

Use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact the system administrator.


An error occurred during transmission processing.

Check the network settings and status. Make sure that JP1/Base is running on the host to be monitored. If both are fine but the cause message is output frequently, review the monitoring threshold value.


An error occurred during reception processing.


The connection with the host host-name was lost.


Invalid protocol data was received.

Invalid data might have been temporarily received. Check the network settings and status.


An error occurred during processing.

A temporary memory or resource shortage might have occurred. Check the OS's memory and resource usage status.


The health check function is not enabled on the host host-name.

Check the settings and status of the health check function for the host to be monitored.


A system error occurred.

Use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact the system administrator.