
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base Messages


The log file (file-type) can no longer be properly monitored. (id=process-ID[monitored-name]/thread-ID[monitored-name], code=error-number, file name=log-file-name)

The monitored log file cannot be monitored correctly because the file status became abnormal.

The cause of the error is indicated by error-number:


Continues processing.

  • Common to codes 01, 02, and 03

    Check whether the log file can be monitored as a UPD-type file. If the log file cannot be monitored as a UPD-type file, specify another log file type, and then restart the log file trap.

  • If code is 03

    The size of the monitored file might exceed 2 GB. Make sure that the size of the monitored file does not exceed 2 GB during operation.