
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base Messages


An error occurred when sending the definition to host-name.

An attempt to send the definition to the host indicated by host-name failed.


Terminates processing of the jevagtfw command.

If an attempt to apply the forwarding settings file for suppressing event-forwarding (forward_suppress) failed, the system restores the forwarding settings file (forward_backup) that was backed up during suppression.


To check the distribution definition file for errors, make sure that:

  • There are no spelling errors in the attribute names or comparison keywords that are set in the forwarding settings file (forward).

  • There are no extra spaces or tab characters after OR.

  • There are no comments written after the filter.

  • Double-byte spaces are not used as the delimiter.

If the problem is not solved, use the data collection tool to collect the required data, and then contact the system administrator.