
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

B.2 List of processes (in UNIX)

Use the ps command in UNIX to check the operation status of a desired process. The system displays the following process names when the processes are operating normally. The value in parentheses in the table indicates the number of processes that can be executed simultaneously.

Parent process name


Child process name


hntr2mon (1)

Hitachi Network Objectplaza Trace Library (HNTRLib2)



jbs_spmd (1)

Process management#1

jbssessionmgr (1)#2

Authentication server#1#5

This process exists only on the host that is set as the authentication server.

The displayed name is jbssessionmgr when the jbs_spmd_status command is executed.

jbsroute (1 to 9)#2

Configuration management#1#5

The displayed name is jbsroute when the jbs_spmd_status command is executed.

jcocmd (1)#2

jcocmdexe (1)

jcocmdapi (Execute Command window count#3 + 1 (when JP1/IM - Manager is installed))

jcocmdcmc (0 to the command count#4)

jcocmdcom (1)#8

Command execution#1#5

The displayed name is jcocmd when the jbs_spmd_status command is executed.

jbsplugind (1)#2, #7

Plug-in service#1#5

The displayed name is jbsplugin when the jbs_spmd_status command is executed.

jbshcd (1)

Health check (for local host monitoring)#1#5

The displayed name is jbshcd when the jbs_spmd_status command is executed.

jbshchostd (1)

Health check (for remote host monitoring)#1#5

The displayed name is jbshchostd when the jbs_spmd_status command is executed.

jbssrvmgr (1)

Service management control function#1#5

The displayed name is jbssrvmgr when the jbs_spmd_status command is executed.

jbslcact (1)

Local action function#1#5

The displayed name is jbslcact when the jbs_spmd_status command is executed.

jbscomd (1)

jbscomd_api (1)

jbscomd_ses (1)

jbscomd_snd (1)

jbscomd_rcv (1)

Inter-process communication#1#5

The displayed name is jbscomd when the jbs_spmd_status command is executed.

jevservice (1)

Event service#1#6

jevservice (5 to 9,999)


jevlogd (1)

Log file trap


(0 to the number of times the jevlogstart command is executed)

Log file trapping

The jelchildim process is generated for each file to be monitored for each jelparentim. When the jevlogstop command is executed, the jelparentim process disappears.


(0 to the number of times a log file trapping process has been started)

The jelallog process is generated for each remote monitoring log file trap process started from the Display/Edit Profiles window of JP1/IM. When the process is stopped, the jelallog process disappears.


--: None

#1: The maximum number of processes that can be executed simultaneously with the indicated process is the calculation result of the following format when multiple logical hosts operate on one physical host in the cluster system or when one logical host and one physical host are started at the same time: (number-of-logical-hosts + 1) x number-of-processes

#2: These processes are important and are the core of JP1/Base. For abnormal termination of these processes, JP1/Base has functionality that automatically restarts the processes if they end abnormally. JP1/Base has other functionality that issues a JP1 event when it detects that a process is abnormal. We recommend that you set up this functionality to minimize the effect on your work if a process stops. For details, see 4. Setup for Handling Possible Errors in JP1/Base.

#3: The number of Execute Command windows opened by the connected JP1/IM - View. The number of processes increases as the number of open windows increases. When you close an Execute Command window, the corresponding process disappears.

#4: This value is the number of remote commands or automated actions that are executed by JP1/IM. A process is generated for each command. When processing finishes, the process disappears. If you execute commands successively, multiple processes might be generated.

#5: You can use the jbs_spmd_status command to check the status of these processes. If the processes have started normally, the jbs_spmd_status command returns the following information.

#6: The status of these processes can be checked with the jevstat command. Executing the jevstat command when the processes are running normally displays the following string:


#7: The process name displayed by the ps-ef command is jbsplugin.

#8: This process was added in version 07-51.