
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

17.2 List of JP1 events output by JP1/Base

Table 17‒3: JP1 events output by JP1/Base

Event ID




When an agent host is added during scale out

Agent host (agent-host-name) has scale-out.


When the event database is switched

Event DB was switched from old-database-number to new-database-number.


When the event service restart function restarts an abnormally stopped process

The event service was recovered by restarting an internal function.


When a specified amount of time has passed since event forwarding suppression was performed by the jevagtfw command

Suppression of event-forwarding by the jevagtfw command has continued for total-suppression-time seconds. (server = host-name)


When event forwarding suppression is performed by using the jevagtfw command

Event-forwarding from host-name is now being suppressed.


When event forwarding is suppressed by using the jevagtfw command

The suppression of event-forwarding from host-name was stopped.


When received events are discarded by using the jevagtfw command

The events received from host-name are now being discarded.


When discarding of received events is stopped by using the jevagtfw command

Discarding of events received from host-name was stopped.


When threshold-based suppression of event-forwarding is started by detecting the occurrence of a large number of events based on a threshold

host-name will start the threshold-based suppression of event-forwarding. (suppression ID = identifier)


When threshold-based suppression of event-forwarding is stopped by detecting convergence of a large number of events based on the threshold

host-name stopped the threshold-based suppression of event-forwarding. (suppression ID = identifier)


When threshold-based suppression of event-forwarding is stopped by reloading (executing the jevreload command) or by stopping the event service

host-name stopped all threshold-based suppressions of event-forwarding.


When a specified amount of time has passed since the threshold-based suppression of event-forwarding was started

Suppression of event-forwarding by host-name has continued for total-suppression-time seconds. (suppression ID = identifier)


When a log file trap successfully connects to the event service at retry

Event issuance was delayed because the system retried the log file trap.


When a log file trap cannot start log file monitoring

Monitoring of the relevant log file cannot start.


When the retry count for reading application log files reaches the threshold and monitoring of the affected log file stops

Monitoring will now stop because the specified number of retries was performed, but the relevant log file cannot be read.


When an application log file is in error status

Monitoring of the relevant log file cannot continue.


When a log file trap starts, or begins monitoring its first log file

The log file (file-type) will now be monitored.


When a log file trap switches its monitoring target during the monitoring process

A different log file (file-type) is now being monitored.


When monitoring an UPD type log file, the status of the monitored log file becomes abnormal

The log file (file-type) can no longer be properly monitored.


When more than the maximum number of files match a monitoring target name that includes a wildcard pattern

Monitoring will now stop because the number of files corresponding to the monitoring file name exceeds the maximum.


When a log file trap cannot identify a log file to monitor

Monitoring will now stop because no log files can be identified for monitoring.


When the addition of a file causes the number of potential monitoring targets to approach the maximum

number-of-files files correspond to the monitoring file name.


When a remote monitoring log (log file trap or event log trap) terminates abnormally and then restarts

Log data from the termination previous to this startup might not be registered as JP1 events.


When a remote monitoring log (log file trap or event log trap) terminates abnormally in a state where a connection can be established with the event service

The remote monitor stopped due to an error that prevents processing.


When a remote monitoring log (log file trap or event log trap) was able to reconnect to the event service

Event issuance was delayed because the system retried the remote monitor.

00003A71 or the event ID specified in the filter of the action definition file for event log trapping

When a log message for a Windows event is detected

Windows event-log message

Event ID specified in the ACTDEF parameter in the action definition file for log file trapping#3

When a record of an AP log file is detected

Contents of one line of log file data


When the command execution control receives an command execution request from the Execute Command window

[host-name:JP1-user-name] Command execution started.


When the command execution requested from the Execute Command window completes

[host-name:JP1-user-name] Command execution ended normally.


When command execution from the Execute Command window is not performed for some reason

[host-name:JP1-user-name] Command execution ended abnormally.


When the interval for issuing elapsed time events has been specified by the jcocmddef command. When the command execution requested from the Execute Command window or automated action is performed after the issuance interval of the elapse time event has been exceeded.

[host-name] The execution time of command execution exceeded the regulation value (number sec)


When a threshold of queued commands is specified in the jcocmddef command. When the number of queued commands has reached the threshold of the automated action

In target-host-name, the number of queued commands requested from source-host-name has exceeded the threshold (xx).


When a threshold of queued commands is specified in the jcocmddef command. When the threshold of queued commands for the automated action is specified as 0

In target-host-name, the number of queued commands requested from source-host-name has become 0.


When automatic re-organization of the command execution log file has failed

Restoration of the command execution log file failed.


When an authentication server is blocked

connection-sequence: authentication-server-name was successfully blocked.


When an authentication server is unblocked

connection-sequence: authentication-server-name was successfully unblocked.


When all authentication servers are blocked

All authentication servers are blocked.


When the process ends abnormally

component-name management-target-process-name has ended abnormally.


When an attempt to start a process results in a timeout

A component-name timeout occurred in management-target-process-name Processing continues.


When an abnormally ended process is restarted

Restart of the component-name management-target-process-name has finished.


When JP1/Base has finished the startup process

JP1/Base has started on the host host-name.


When JP1/Base will be stopped

JP1/Base will now end on the host host-name.


When a monitored process ends abnormally

function-name ended abnormally.


When a monitored process has been unable to access (update) shared memory for a set time (SEVERITY:Error)

function-name has been processing for nn seconds.


When a monitored process has been unable to access (update) shared memory for a set time (SEVERITY:Warning)

function-name has been processing for nn seconds. After passes of mm seconds, becomes error condition.


When a monitored process that was unable to access (update) shared memory for a set time has recovered

function-name has a normal status.


When the health check function ends abnormally

The health check function stopped because an error occurred.


When an error (service inactivity) is detected during monitoring of a remote host

Monitoring notification cannot be performed at host-name because service-name is not functioning.


When an error (host unreachable) is detected during monitoring of a remote host

Monitoring cannot be performed because a connection with host-name cannot be established. (reason-message: detailed information)


When a remote host becomes able to be monitored.

When a monitoring target that was stopped starts again.

host-name can now be monitored.


When the shared memory is inaccessible

The shared memory is locked.


When the monitoring target host stops.

The host host-name will not be monitored because it is not running.


When the system cannot determine whether a monitoring target host has stopped or an error has occurred

Monitoring cannot be performed because a connection cannot be established with host-name, which is not receiving stop notifications. (reason-message: detailed information)


When the system cannot reference the shared memory of one or more functions

The status of function-name cannot be confirmed.


When the system continues to be unable to reference the shared memory of one or more functions

The status of function-name still cannot be confirmed.


When the system is able to reference the previously inaccessible shared memory of one or more functions

The status of function-name can now be confirmed.


When a request to start execution of the action is accepted, or when the JP1 event (action start event) is registered

An action execution start request was accepted. (action-execution-information)


When command execution completed and the JP1 event (action end event) is registered

An action has completed. (action-execution-information)


When command execution is not completed and the JP1 event (action end event (not executable) is registered

An action ended without being executed. (action-execution-information)


When command execution is canceled and the JP1 event (action end event (cancellation)) is registered

An action ended because it was cancelled. (action-execution-information)

#1: This JP1 event is issued only when the jcocmddef command was used when specifying JP1/IM - Manager. For details on the settings, see jcocmddef in 15. Commands.

#2: Issued only when you have configured JP1 events to be issued upon a change in the blocked status of an authentication server or upon the abnormal end of a process. For details on how to issue a JP1 event indicating the blocked status of the authentication server or abnormal process status, see 4.3 Detecting abnormal process termination and authentication server switching.

#3: The log file trap or JP1/AJS log monitoring job issues the event.

#4: These JP1 events are forwarded to every destination host in the forwarding settings file (forward) even if they do not match the conditions of the event filter. If you do not want these events to be forwarded, define an exclusion condition or specify the auto-forward-off flag in the options parameter of the event server settings file (conf).