
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

jp1hosts definition file

Organization of this page


# Comment

host-name IP-address, IP-address, IP-address

Parameters by type

Required parameters:


Custom parameters:


File name

jp1hosts or any other file name

Storage destination directory

In Windows:


shared-folder\jp1base\conf\ (in a cluster system)



shared-directory/jp1base/conf/ (in a cluster system)


This file contains hosts information specific to JP1. A jp1hosts definition file is provided by default, but cannot be used in its initial state. When you use the default jp1hosts definition file, you must first edit it according to the use in JP1/Base. If you create your own jp1hosts definition file, store it in the same folder as the default jp1hosts file.

Application of settings

Execute the jbshostsimport command to apply the jp1hosts information to the common definition information. For details on the jbshostsimport command, see jbshostsimport in 15. Commands.

Definition details

The following conventions apply to entries in the jp1hosts definition file:

A hash mark (#) (code 0x23) at the start of a line indicates a comment. host-name IP-address, IP-address, IP-address

Specify the correspondence between host names and IP addresses. host-name and IP-address must be separated by one or more spaces or tab characters.

  • You can use ASCII characters only.

  • You cannot use the following characters:

    " / \ [ ] ; : | = , + ? < >

  • Do not specify a string that is recognized as an IP address.

  • Specify an IPv4 address. You cannot specify an IPv6 address.

  • Delimit multiple IP addresses with commas (,). Any space or tab characters before and after the comma are ignored.

  • Each IP address must be specified in the format W.X.Y.Z. Each of W, X, Y, and Z is a decimal number in the range from 0 to 255.

  • If you set more than one IP address, JP1/Base uses the first IP address set for each host name.

  • If you use the IP binding method for sending, the first IP address set for the local host name is used as the source IP-address.

  • No more than four IP-addresses can be specified for one host-name. You cannot specify the same host name twice. If you do this, an error will occur when you execute the jbshostsimport command.