
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

User mapping definition file

Organization of this page


; Comment


Parameters by type

Required parameters:


Custom parameters:
  • JP1-user-name

  • server-host-name

  • user-list

File name


Storage destination directory

In Windows:


shared-folder\jp1base\conf\user_acl\ (in a cluster system)



shared-directory/jp1base/conf/user_acl/ (in a cluster system)


Sets user mapping information for multiple JP1 users in one operation.

Application of settings

Execute the jbsmkumap command or the jbssetumap command to apply the settings. For details on the jbsmkumap and jbssetumap commands, see jbsmkumap and jbssetumap in 15. Commands.

Definition details

Write one entry per line. The characters you enter must be no more than 4,096 bytes per line. The characters following the semicolon (;) and up to the next linefeed constitute a comment. Each entry consists of three fields delimited with a colon (:). Specify each field as explained below.


Specify a JP1 user name registered on the authentication server. You can use alphanumeric characters to specify a JP1 user name but the characters must be lower case. You can enter a character string that is from 1 to 31 bytes. Alternatively, enter an asterisk (*) to grant the rights of the users specified in user-list to all JP1 users. When writing multiple entries for the same server host, you can use both an asterisk and a specific JP1 user name registered on the authentication server to specify the same JP1 user name. An asterisk can only be specified once.


Specify the name of the server host that issues operating instructions. Enter a character string that is no more than 255 bytes. Specify an asterisk (*) to validate operations from any server host.

Specifying a physical host in Server host

Specify the host name displayed by the hostname command. If you are using domain names with the DNS service, add the host name definition in FQDN format.

Specifying a logical host in Server host

Specify the logical host name. If you are using domain names with the DNS service without defining logical hosts in jp1hosts or jp1hosts2 information, add the logical host name definition in FQDN format.

To enable users to log into the system from JP1/AJS - View or to execute JP1/AJS commands on the local host, you must specify the local host name as the server host name. For details see the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide, JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide, and the JP1Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide.


Specify one or more OS user names registered on each host. Use commas to separate multiple names. When multiple OS user names are specified, the name written first in the list is taken as the primary OS user when no user is specified at job execution or at command execution. You can enter a character string that is no more than 64 bytes for each OS user name.

Note that in user-list in Windows, you can specify only OS users for whom you entered password information by executing the jbspassmgr, jbsumappass, or jbsmkpass command. If you want to specify the OS users to be mapped in user-list, be sure to register their information in the password management information. If you register OS user information containing the name of the domain to which the local host belongs, you must also enter the domain name with the OS user name in the user list.


The GUI also uses the user mapping definition file (jp1BsUmap.conf). Any information you enter in the GUI will be reflected in this file.

Definition examples
