
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide


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The jevstat command enables you to check the operating status of event service processes (jevservice). For details on event service processes, see B. List of Processes.


jevstat [event-server-name]
        [-t timeout-in-seconds]

Required execution permission

In Windows: Administrators (If User Account Control (UAC) for Windows is enabled, you must execute the command from the administrator console.)

In UNIX: Superuser or JP1/Base administrator permission

Command directory

In Windows:






Specify the event server name at which to check whether event service processes have started or stopped in, for example, the cluster system. Event server names are case sensitive. Specify the event server name as a character string of no more than 255 bytes.

If you omit this option, the event server name is determined in the following order of priority:

  1. The logical host name specified in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable.

  2. The local host name, if an asterisk (*) or the local host name (the physical host name returned by the hostname command) has priority in the server parameter of the event server index file (index).

  3. The FQDN name, if an at mark (@) or FQDN name has priority in the server parameter of the event server index file (index).

  4. The local host name (the physical host name returned by the hostname command).

-t timeout (in-seconds)

Specify how long the system should wait for the jevstat command to complete execution. The specifiable range is 1 to 32,767. If the jevstat command does not complete execution within the specified time, execution is assumed to have failed. If you omit this option, the default of 60 applies.


Return values


All processes are active.


Abnormal termination (command processing error)


Some processes are active.


All of the child processes have stopped.


Abnormal termination (error returned by the event server)

Further explanation

When using JP1/Base in a cluster system on UNIX, you can use the jevstat command in the abnormality detection script of the logical host. In this case, you should be aware that the names of the event server to be run on the logical host are case sensitive and must be specified accordingly. Refer to the event server index file (index) in which the event server names for the logical host are defined as you specify them.

The following shows a definition example of the event server index file (index), and the execution result of the jevstat command run using the index file.

Definition example of the event server index file (index)

server * default
server HOSTZZ /jp1/share/

Examples of jevstat commands and their results:

jevstat command execution examples

Execution results


Outputs the status of the event server on the physical host.

jevstat hostzz

Outputs an error message indicating that the specified event server name was not found.

jevstat HOSTZZ

Outputs the status of the event server on the logical host.


Examples of the jevstat command for Windows and UNIX are shown below.

In Windows:
KAJP1771-I Processing to report the status of the event service HOST1 will now start.
Display the running processes
process name        process ID
jevservice        1234
KAJP1772-I All the processes are running.
$ /opt/jp1base/bin/jevstat
KAJP1771-I Processing to report the status of the event service HOST1 will now start.
Display the running processes
process name        process ID
jevservice        2098
KAJP1772-I All the processes are running.

KAJP1772-I is a message shown when all the necessary processes for the event server have been started.