
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide


Organization of this page


The jevagtfw command is executed on the manager host (host on which JP1/IM - Manager is installed).

This command is used to suppress events from being forwarded from an agent and stop event forwarding suppression. This command is also used to display a list of event forwarding suppression statuses. A maximum of 10,000 agents can be subject to this event-forwarding suppression.

Note that JP1/Base version of the agent host to be suppressed must be 08-00 or later.


jevagtfw {-s [forwarding-suppression-definition-file-name] [-o {dispose | suppress | all}] [-n] host-name |
          -r [-f | -m] host-name |
         [-h logical-host-name]

Required execution permission

In Windows: Administrators privileges (If User Account Control (UAC) for Windows is enabled, you must execute the command from the administrator console.)

In UNIX: Superuser or JP1/Base administrator privileges

Command directory

In Windows





-s [forwarding-suppression-definition-file-name] [-o {dispose | suppress | all}] [-n] host-name

Specify the host name of an agent whose event forwarding is suppressed. You can also specify a host not managed by the configuration definition. Specify the host name as a case-insensitive character string of no more than 128 bytes. The -n option is required if you specify the local host for host-name.


Specify the name of the user-specified event-forwarding suppression definition file. You cannot specify a path as the file name. If you omit this option, the forward_suppress file is assumed.

Note that the forwarding suppression definition file has the same format as the forwarding settings file.

-o {dispose | suppress | all}

Specify whether the manager discards the received events and whether the agent suppresses event forwarding. If you omit this option, all is assumed.


Suppression is set up only on the manager (received events are discarded).


Suppression is set up only on the agent (event forwarding is suppressed).


After suppression is set up on the manager to discard received events, event forwarding suppression is set up also on the agent.


Specify this option if you want to suppress event forwarding on the local host.

-r [-f | -m] host-name

Specify the host name of an agent whose event forwarding suppression is stopped. Specify the host name as a case-insensitive character string of no more than 128 bytes.


Event forwarding suppression is forcibly stopped even if the forwarding settings file (forward) on the agent has been changed during the event forwarding suppression (the forwarding settings will revert back to the settings before the event forwarding suppression).


Event forwarding suppression (discarding the received events) is stopped only on the manager.


Outputs the suppressed status for agents whose event forwarding is currently suppressed.

-h logical-host-name

Specify the event server name of the local host from which you are executing the command. Specify the event server name as a character string of no more than 128 bytes.

If you omit this option, the event server name is assumed as a host name in the following order of priority:

  1. The logical host name specified in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable

  2. The local host name, if an asterisk (*) or the local host name (physical host name returned by the hostname command) has priority in the server parameter of the event server index file (index)

  3. The FQDN name, if an at mark (@) or FQDN name has priority in the server parameter of the event server index file (index)

  4. The local host name (physical host name returned by the hostname command)


During execution of the jevagtfw command with the -s option specified, if an error occurs after the setting to discard received events is successfully specified, suppression is set on the manager, but not on the agent. To resolve this condition, execute the jevagtfw command with the -r -m option specified to change the suppression status on the manager only.

When you want to include a Japanese filter condition in the forwarding setting file for event forwarding suppression, you must use an encoding supported by the language of the environment where the jevagtfw command is executed. The encoding of the forwarding setting file for event forwarding suppression is automatically converted when the language differs from a language set on the Japanese-language agent. For details on how to set the language, see 3.4.2 Setting the language (for UNIX).

Return values


Normal end


Argument error


Cannot connect to the agent (plug-in service).


Event forwarding suppression cannot be stopped because the forwarding settings file (forward) on the agent has been changed.


Other error


The following shows an example of the output when the -s option is specified:

# jevagtfw -s Agent01
KAJP1422-I The events received from AGENT01 will be discarded.
KAJP1430-I The events received from AGENT01 are now being discarded.
KAJP1419-I Event-forwarding from AGENT01 will be suppressed.
KAJP1401-I The forward file of AGENT01 is being backed up.
KAJP1404-I The forward file of AGENT01 was backed up. (file = /etc/opt/jp1base/conf/event/servers/default/suppress/Agent01/forward_backup)
KAJP1405-I The forward file for suppressing event-forwarding will be sent to AGENT01.
KAJP1408-I The forward file for suppressing event-forwarding was applied to AGENT01.
KAJP1410-I Event-forwarding from AGENT01 is now being suppressed.

The following shows an example of the output when the -r option is specified:

# jevagtfw -r Agent01
KAJP1427-I Discarding of events received from AGENT01 will be stopped.
KAJP1424-I Discarding of events received from AGENT01 was stopped.
KAJP1420-I The suppression of event-forwarding from AGENT01 will be stopped.
KAJP1414-I The contents of the forward file of AGENT01 will be checked.
KAJP1416-I An applicable forward file for suppressing event-forwarding is specified for AGENT01.
KAJP1417-I The backed-up forward file will be sent to AGENT01.
KAJP1418-I The backed-up forward file was applied to AGENT01.
KAJP1421-I The suppression of event-forwarding from AGENT01 was stopped.

The following shows an example of the output when the -l option is specified:

# jevagtfw -l
KAJP1413-I Manager is now suppressing event-forwarding from the following hosts:
Host             Suppressed-date     Dispose   Suppress
---------------- ------------------- --------- ----------
AGENT01          2013/12/31 10:15:36 Yes       Yes
AGENT05          2013/11/29 05:21:03 Yes       Yes
AGENT11          2014/01/07 03:11:45 Yes       Yes

The following table describes meaning of the headers.




Name of the host on which the event server whose event forwarding is currently suppressed is running.


Time when the event forwarding suppression is started.


Indicates whether received events are set to be discarded.


Received events are discarded.


Received events are not discarded.


Indicates whether event forwarding is set to be suppressed.


Event forwarding is suppressed.


Event forwarding is set not suppressed.