
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide


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The jbslistuser command lists the registered JP1 users.


jbslistuser [-h logical-host-name]
            [-s authentication-server-name]

The -ds option can be specified in Windows only.

Required execution permission

In Windows: Administrators (If User Account Control (UAC) for Windows is enabled, you must execute the command from the administrator console.)

In UNIX: Superuser or JP1/Base administrator permission

Command directory

In Windows:





-h logical-host-name

When using JP1/Base in a cluster system, specify the logical host for which you want to execute this command. The command lists the JP1 users registered on the authentication servers set for this logical host.

-s authentication-server-name

Specify an authentication server to list the JP1 users registered on that authentication server. When you set this option, the -h option is ignored.


This option enables you to output the date and time at which user data was last modified for each user (yyyy/mm/dd HH:MM:SS format). The last modified date and time is updated when a JP1 user was registered or a password was changed. Note that the last modified date and time for JP1 users who were registered before upgrading to version 08-10, JP1 users who are initialized at the time of new installation, linkage users, and DS users is displayed by using hyphens (----/--/-- --:--:--). After a password is changed in the JP1/Base Environment Settings dialog box or by using the password change command (jbschgpasswd), the last modified data and time is displayed.

If you specify the -ds option, this option is ignored.


This option can be specified in Windows only.

If this option is specified, only a linkage user or DS user is displayed. JP1 user to be displayed will change depending on the setting of the ENABLE parameter in the directory server linkage definition file.

  • "ENABLE"=dword:00000001

    Only linkage users among registered JP1 users are displayed.

  • "ENABLE"=dword:00000002

    Only DS users among registered JP1 users are displayed.

Note that no JP1 user will be displayed if "ENABLE"=dword:00000000.

If this option is not specified, all the registered JP1 users will be displayed.


Return values


Normal end


The user is not registered in the authentication server.


Invalid arguments


Insufficient system resource such as memory


The authentication server has not started or is not responding


An error occurred in the authentication server side processing


An error occurred while initializing the communication functionality.


Inconsistency in internal processing (a C++ exception)


Other error


The following shows examples of output where the standard users jp1admin, jp1admin2 and the linked user or DS user testuser1 have been registered on the authentication server:

When no option is specified:
jp1user account[0]:jp1admin
jp1user account[1]:jp1admin2
jp1user account[2]:testuser1
When the -ld option is specified:


When the -ds option is specified:
>jbslistuser -ds
Collected Time:2017/05/31 11:20:00#
jp1user account[0]:testuser1

#: When the DS user output is displayed, the timestamp to indicate the time of collecting JP1 authentication information from the Active Directory is shown on the top line.

The following shows an example of output where the standard users jp1admin and jp1admin2 and no linked users or DS user have been registered on the authentication server:

When the -ds option is specified:
>jbslistuser -ds
Collected Time:2017/05/31 11:20:00
No jp1user account.