
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

8.4.2 Blocked status settings using commands

The following explains how to use commands to work with the blocked status. Here we assume that the system administrator specified server1 as the primary authentication server and server2 as the secondary authentication server.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Checking the blocked status

Execute the following command:


For details on the jbslistsrv command, see jbslistsrv in 15. Commands.

(2) Releasing the blocked status

Execute the following command:

jbsunblockadesrv -s authentication-server

For details on the jbsunblockadesrv command, see jbsunblockadesrv in 15. Commands.

(3) Placing an authentication server in the blocked status

Execute the following command:

jbsblockadesrv -s authentication-server

For details on the jbsblockadesrv command, see jbsblockadesrv in 15. Commands.