
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

6.10.1 Resetting JP1/Base to single network use (with jp1hosts information)

  1. Delete jp1hosts information from the common definition information.

    If you have registered jp1hosts information with the common definition information, execute jbshostsimport command to delete it.

    jbshostsimport -d [-h logical-host-name]
  2. Apply the communication protocol settings file to the common definition information.

    To do this, use the jbssetcnf command.

    For physical hosts, execute the jbssetcnf command in the following format:

    • If a logical host environment is present on the same host:

      jbssetcnf physical_ipany.conf

      jbssetcnf physical_recovery_0651.conf

    • In an environment with only a physical host:

      jbssetcnf physical_anyany.conf

    For logical hosts, open the logical_ipany.conf and logical_recovery_0651.conf by using a text editor or similar, look for [LOGICALHOSTNAME\JP1BASE], and then replace LOGICAHOSTNAME with the logical host name you specified when setting up the cluster system. Then execute the jbssetcnf command in the following format:

    jbssetcnf logical_ipany.conf
    jbssetcnf logical_recovery_0651.conf
  3. Edit the event server settings file (conf).

    Delete the client-bind parameter; and then change the IP address of the ports parameter to when you do not want to use it in a cluster system, or change it to IP addresses that correspond to the physical and logical host names when you want to use it in a cluster system.

  4. Restart JP1/Base.

    Restart JP1/Base, JP1/Base prerequisite programs, and the programs that have dependency relationships with JP1/Base.