
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

6.4.5 Migrating from jp1hosts information to jp1hosts2 information

In a new installation of JP1/Base, you can enable the use of jp1hosts2 information by executing the jbshosts2import command. If you performed an overwrite installation, you need to reconfigure the environment from one that uses jp1hosts information to one that uses jp1hosts2 information.

This section describes how to migrate from a jp1hosts environment to one that uses jp1hosts2 information.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Stop JP1/Base and products with JP1/Base as a prerequisite

Before migrating to jp1hosts2 information, stop JP1/Base and products for which JP1/Base is a prerequisite. This allows you to modify the jp1hosts information and change the configuration of the event service.

(2) Migrate jp1hosts information to jp1hosts2 information (in a system using jp1hosts information)

To migrate the definitions in jp1hosts information to jp1hosts2 information:

For physical hosts
  1. Execute the jbshostsexport command to acquire the jp1hosts information.

    jbshostsexport > jp1hosts-definition-file-name

  2. Define the information (standard output results) you acquired in step 1 in a jp1hosts2 definition file (jp1hosts2.conf).

  3. Execute the jbshosts2import command to import the jp1hosts2 definition file (jp1hosts2.conf).

    jbshosts2import -o file-defined-in-step-2

For logical hosts
  1. Execute the jbshostsexport command to acquire the jp1hosts information.

    jbshostsexport -h logical-host-name > jp1hosts-definition-file-name

  2. Define the information (standard output results) you acquired in step 1 in a jp1hosts2 definition file (jp1hosts2.conf).

  3. Execute the jbshosts2import command to import the jp1hosts2 definition file (jp1hosts2.conf).

    jbshosts2import -h logical-host-name -o file-defined-in-step-2

Perform steps 2 and 3 on the logical host at the primary node.

If the import process would not result in changes to the existing jp1hosts2 information, the message KAVA0456-I is output when you execute the jbshosts2import command in step 3, and the import process stops. This indicates that the necessary changes have already been made to the logical host, and the migration process is unnecessary.

(3) Modify the event server settings file (conf)

Change the communication settings of the event server so that it uses jp1hosts2 information.

Specify <jp1hosts2> in the address component of the ports and remote-server parameters of the event server settings file (conf):

ports <jp1hosts2> jp1imevt jp1imevtapi
remote-server event-server-name communication-type <jp1hosts2>

Also, delete the client-bind parameter from the file.

(4) Modify the API settings file (api)

Change the communication settings of application programs that connect to the event server, so that they use jp1hosts2 information.

Specify <jp1hosts2> in the address component of the server parameter of the API settings file (api):

server event-server-name communication-type <jp1hosts2>

(5) Start JP1/Base

The environment when you start JP1/Base now uses jp1hosts2 information containing the same definitions as the jp1hosts information that was in effect before the migration process.