
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

5.2.3 Specifying a logical host

As a prerequisite for executing commands on a logical host, you must specify the logical host name. If you do not specify a logical host name, commands will be executed on physical hosts.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Specifying a logical host

You can specify the logical host name either by setting the name in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable or by specifying a command option. The following table describes each method.



JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable

Specify the logical host name in the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable. If you specify a logical host name in both the command option and environment variable, the setting with the command option takes precedence.

Command option

Specify the command option in the following format: command -h logical-host-name. For details, see the description of each command.


In Windows, do not set the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable as a system environment variable or as a user environment variable. If so, this could disable services or otherwise disrupt program operation. Set the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable at the command prompt or in a batch file.

(2) Rules for specifying logical host names

Comply with the following rules when specifying logical host names:

(3) Notes on logical host names