
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

2.12.1 Compatibility and connectivity with previous versions of JP1/Base

JP1/Base Version 9 is compatible with previous version of JP1/Base. However, for connectivity with previous versions, JP1/Base follows the same restrictions that higher program products (such as JP1/IM - Manager and JP1/AJS3) have. For details about connectivity of a higher program product, see the manual for the program product. Also, note the following cases.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Migrating the command execution log when using JP1/IM

The storage format of the command execution log (ISAM) files has changed in Version 8. If you are using JP1/IM Version 7 or earlier and you want to preserve the command execution log (ISAM) files after upgrading JP1/Base, make sure that you execute the jcocmdconv command before you recommence JP1/IM operation.

The jcocmdconv command migrates the command execution log (ISAM) files accumulated in a previous version of JP1/Base to the file format used in Version 8 or later. If you do not execute this command, you will not be able to access the command execution logs accumulated in Version 7 or earlier. During cluster operation, while the shared disk can be accessed, execute the jcocmdconv command once only (specifying the logical host) on either the primary or secondary node. For details on the jcocmdconv command, see jcocmdconv in 15. Commands.

A command execution log is created only in JP1/Base on the manager host (on which JP1/IM is also installed).

(2) Setting up operating permissions granted to JP1 users for JP1/IM and JP1/AJS

JP1/IM 08-00 and JP1/AJS 08-00 now support operating permissions for JP1 users. You cannot use version 07-51 or earlier authentication servers to set up operating permissions for JP1 users.

(3) Collecting and distributing definitions for JP1/IM

To collect and distribute event service definitions, you must install JP1/Base Version 7 or later on both the source and destination hosts for collecting and distributing definitions.

(4) Using a shell script that references the return values of commands

In JP1/Base 06-71, return values of the following commands are altered:

If you use a shell script that references return values of the above commands in JP1/Base 06-51 or earlier, the shell script might not work properly in JP1/Base Version 7 or later. You must review how the command return values are used. For details on the command return values, see 15. Commands.

(5) Communicating with hosts that do not have a means of encrypted communication

Imagine a situation where communication takes place between an in-house environment and a cloud environment. In this situation, multiple communication modes might be used for communication between the two environments, with agent hosts in the in-house environment using non-SSL communication and those in the cloud environment using SSL communication. In this case, communication with hosts that do not have a means of encrypted communication can be established by setting the hosts that use non-SSL communication in the non-SSL communication host configuration file.

For details on the non-SSL communication host configuration file, see Non-SSL communication host configuration file in 16. Definition Files.