
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Base User's Guide

2.4.3 Start and end of monitoring with a log file trap

Log file monitoring begins when you activate the log file trapping function via the jevlogstart command, and monitors the log files at set intervals. You can change the monitoring interval by specifying the -t option in the jevlogstart command. If you execute the jevlogstart command without the -t option, the monitoring interval is 10 seconds. The time at which log file monitoring stops depends on the options specified for the jevlogstop command.

For details on the commands, see 15. Commands.

If you restart a log file trap, log entries output between the time the trap stopped and the time it restarts are not monitored.

Starting and stopping log file traps

Use the jevlogstart and jevlogstop commands. Even if a log file has not been created yet, by specifying the -r option in the jevlogstart command, you can set up a trap to wait for that log file to be created.

By using a log-file trap startup definition file, you can configure log file trapping to start automatically when the log-file trap management service (or daemon) starts.

The following figure shows the process flow for starting log file trapping when using a log-file trap startup definition file.

Figure 2‒13: Process flow for starting log file trapping by using a log-file trap startup definition file


A log-file trap startup definition file specifies the log file traps to be started, and the startup options (for the jevlogstart command). When the log-file trap management service (or daemon) starts, it reads the contents of the log-file trap startup definition file and automatically starts the log file traps defined in the file.

You can also stop log file traps individually, or reload a specific action definition file. To do so, execute the command specifying the ID number output to standard output when the log file trap was activated, or the monitor name assigned to the log file trap when the log file trap was activated.

For details about the attributes of JP1 events converted by log file trapping, see 17.3.1(27) Details about event IDs specified in the ACTDEF parameter in the action definition file for log file trapping.