
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Event Gateway for Network Node Manager i

10.3.1 Data to be collected (in Windows)

This subsection describes the data to be collected in Windows when an error has occurred.

The data collection tool (jegn_log.bat command) classifies the target folders and files for data collection into primary data and secondary data categories and then stores the collected data directly under the specified data storage folder.

The following tables show the organization of folders for the data that is stored directly under the data storage folder and their contents.

Table 10‒6: Organization and contents of data folders (physical host)

Folder name


Data that is stored


Primary data

OS log information


Integrated trace log


Information about JP1/IM - EG for NNMi


Information about JP1/Base


Information about Web server


Secondary data

OS log information


Information about JP1/Base

Table 10‒7: Organization and contents of data folders (logical host)

Folder name


Data that is stored


Primary data

OS log information


Information about JP1/IM - EG for NNMi


Information about JP1/Base


Information about Web server


Secondary data

OS log information


Information about JP1/Base

For details about the jegn_log.bat command, see jegn_log.bat (Windows only) in 7. Commands.

Cautions to be taken when using the data collection tool

Organization of this subsection

(1) OS log information

This subsection describes the OS log information that needs to be collected when an error has occurred. You can use the data collection tool (jegn_log.bat command) to collect the OS log information. The tables below list and describe the OS log information that can be collected by the data collection tool.

In the tables, the File name column shows the name of the file at the storage location after data has been collected by the data collection tool.

Table 10‒8: OS log information (primary data for the physical host)

Type of information

Data that is collected

File name

Data collection date and time

  • Execution result of date /t

  • Execution result of time /t


Log files for Hitachi Integrated Installer

Files under Windows-installation-folder\Temp\HCDINST\

Copies of the files at the left

Host name settings set in the computer



Service port settings set in the computer



NIC installation status

Execution result of ipconfig /all


List of started services

Execution result of net start


Network statistical information

Execution result of netstat -nao


Environment variables for the computer

Execution result of set


System information for the computer

Execution result of msinfo32 /report file-name


Registry information

Result of collection by the reg command of the contents of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\HITACHI




ON/OFF information for the media sense function

Result of collection by the reg command of the contents of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\DisableDHCPMediaSense registry


JP1/Base access permission information (installation folder)

Execution result of cacls Base-path


JP1/Base access permission information (log folder)

Execution result of cacls Base-path\log


JP1/Base access permission information (command execution log folder)

Execution result of cacls Base-path\log\COMMAND


JP1/Base access permission information (event database folder)

Execution result of cacls Base-path\sys


Execution result of cacls Base-path\sys\event


Execution result of cacls Base-path\sys\event\servers


Execution result of cacls Base-path\sys\event\servers\default


JP1/IM - EG for NNMi access permission information (installation folder)

Execution result of cacls EG-for-NNMi-path


JP1/IM - EG for NNMi access permission information (log folder)

Execution result of cacls EG-for-NNMi-path\log


List of JP1/Base files

Execution result of dir Base-path /s


List of JP1/IM - EG for NNMi files

Execution result of dir EG-for-NNMi-path /s


Host name for resolving the network address

Execution result of jbsgethostbyname

  • jbsgethostbyname.log (standard output)

  • jbsgethostbyname_err.log (standard error)

Health check

Execution result of jbshcstatus -debug -a

  • jbshcstatus.log (standard output)

  • jbshcstatus_err.log (standard error)

Event service's process activity status

Execution result of jevstat

  • jevstat.log (standard output)

  • jevstat_err.log (standard error)

Process activity status (JP1/Base)

Execution result of jbs_spmd_status

  • jbs_spmd_status.log (standard output)

  • jbs_spmd_status_err.log (standard error)

Process activity status (JP1/IM - EG for NNMi)

Execution result of jegn_spmd_status

  • jegn_spmd_status.log (standard output)

  • jegn_spmd_status_err.log (standard error)

jp1hosts2 information registered on the host

Execution result of jbshosts2export

  • jbshosts2export.log (standard output)

  • jbshosts2export_err.log (standard error)

Execution result of the data collection command

Execution result of the jegn_log.bat command


Library information for product information acquisition and logs

Files under <%SystemDrive%>\Program Files(x86)\Hitachi\jp1common\jp1imegn\

Copies of the files at the left

JP1/Base access permission information (ALLUSERSPROFILE folder)

Execution result of cacls <%ALLUSERSPROFILE%>\Hitachi\jp1\jp1_default\JP1Base\log


List of JP1/Base files (ALLUSERSPROFILE folder)

Execution result of dir <%ALLUSERSPROFILE%>\Hitachi\jp1\jp1_default\JP1Base /s


Table 10‒9: OS log information (secondary data for the physical host)

Type of information

Data that is collected

File name

Data collection date and time

  • Execution result of date /t

  • Execution result of time /t


Windows event log

  • Application: system-root-folder\system32\config\AppEvent.Evt

  • System: system-root-folder\system32\config\SysEvent.Evt

  • AppEvent(Backup).evt

  • AppEvent(Backup).txt

  • SysEvent(Backup).evt

  • SysEvent(Backup).txt

Crash dump#



Dr. Watson log#




Output of a crash dump must be set in advance. For details about how to specify the output settings, see 2.4.5(1) Preparations for collecting data in the event of an error (Windows only).

Table 10‒10: OS log information (primary data for the logical host)

Type of information

Data that is collected

File name

Data collection date and time

  • Execution result of date /t

  • Execution result of time /t


JP1/Base access permission information (shared folder)

Execution result of cacls shared-folder\JP1Base


JP1/Base access permission information (log folder)

Execution result of cacls shared-folder\JP1Base\log


JP1/Base access permission information (command execution log folder)

Execution result of cacls shared-folder\JP1Base\log\COMMAND


JP1/Base access permission information (event database folder)

Execution result of cacls shared-folder\JP1Base\event


JP1/IM - EG for NNMi access permission information (shared folder)

Execution result of cacls shared-folder\JP1EG4NNMI


JP1/IM - EG for NNMi access permission information (log folder)

Execution result of cacls shared-folder\JP1EG4NNMI\log


List of JP1/Base files

Execution result of dir shared-folder\JP1Base /s


List of JP1/IM - EG for NNMi files

Execution result of dir shared-folder\JP1EG4NNMI /s


Host name for resolving the network address

Execution result of jbsgethostbyname logical-host-name

  • jbsgethostbyname.log (standard output)

  • jbsgethostbyname_err.log (standard error)

Event service's process activity status

Execution result of jevstat logical-host-name

  • jevstat.log (standard output)

  • jevstat_err.log (standard error)

Health check

Execution result of jbshcstatus -debug -a -h logical-host-name

  • jbshcstatus.log (standard output)

  • jbshcstatus_err.log (standard error)

Process activity status (JP1/Base)

Execution result of jbs_spmd_status -h logical-host-name

  • jbs_spmd_status.log (standard output)

  • jbs_spmd_status_err.log (standard error)

Process activity status (JP1/IM - EG for NNMi)

Execution result of jegn_spmd_status -h logical-host-name

  • jegn_spmd_status.log (standard output)

  • jegn_spmd_status_err.log (standard error)

jp1hosts2 information registered on the host

Execution result of jbshosts2export -h logical-host-name

  • jbshosts2export.log (standard output)

  • jbshosts2export_err.log (standard error)

JP1/Base access permission information (ALLUSERSPROFILE folder)

Execution result of cacls <%ALLUSERSPROFILE%>\Hitachi\jp1\logical-host-name\JP1Base\log


List of JP1/Base files (ALLUSERSPROFILE folder)

Execution result of dir <%ALLUSERSPROFILE%>\Hitachi\jp1\logical-host-name\JP1Base /s


Table 10‒11: OS log information (secondary data for the logical host)

Type of information

Data that is collected

File name

Data collection date and time

  • Execution result of date /t

  • Execution result of time /t


(2) Integrated trace log

You can use the data collection tool (jegn_log.bat command) to collect the integrated trace log. The table below shows the integrated trace log that can be collected by the data collection tool.

In the table, the File name column shows the name of the file at the storage location after data has been collected by the data collection tool.

Table 10‒12: Integrated trace log (primary data for the physical host)

Type of information

Data that is collected

File name

Integrated trace log


The following file by default:


(3) Information about JP1/IM - EG for NNMi

This subsection describes the information about JP1/IM - EG for NNMi that needs to be collected when an error has occurred. You can use the data collection tool (jegn_log.bat command) to collect the information about JP1/IM - EG for NNMi. The tables below list and describe the information about JP1/IM - EG for NNMi that can be collected by the data collection tool.

In the tables, the File name column shows the name of the file at the storage location after data has been collected by the data collection tool.

Table 10‒13: Information about JP1/IM - EG for NNMi (primary data for the physical host)

Type of information

Data that is collected

File name

Patch application history



Model name and version information



License type and expiration date



Configuration and definition files

Files under EG-for-NNMi-path\conf\

Copies of the files at the left

Log files

Operating log information for JP1/IM - EG for NNMi

Files under EG-for-NNMi-path\log\

Copies of the files at the left

Communication log information for JP1/IM - EG for NNMi

Files under EG-for-NNMi-path\lib\uCPSB\CC\client\logs\

Copies of the files at the left

Forwarding filter definition files

Files under EG-for-NNMi-path\dat\

Copies of the files at the left

Table 10‒14: Information about JP1/IM - EG for NNMi (primary data for the logical host)

Type of information

Data that is collected

File name

Configuration and definition files

Files under shared-folder\JP1EG4NNMI\conf\

Copies of the files at the left

Log files

Files under shared-folder\JP1EG4NNMI\log\

Copies of the files at the left

Forwarding filter definition files

Files under shared-folder\JP1EG4NNMI\dat\

Copies of the files at the left

(4) Information about JP1/Base

This subsection describes the information about JP1/Base that needs to be collected when an error has occurred.

Collect JP1/Base information using the JP1/Base data collection tool (jbs_log.bat command). For details about how to use the JP1/Base data collection tool, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

You can use the data collection tool (jegn_log.bat command) to collect the information about JP1/Base.

The tables below list and describe the information about JP1/Base that can be collected by the data collection tool.

In the tables, the File name column shows the name of the file at the storage location after data has been collected by the data collection tool.

Table 10‒15: Information about JP1/Base (primary data for the physical host)

Type of information

Data that is collected

File name

Patch information



Model name and version information



License type and expiration date



Configuration and definition files

Files under Base-path\conf\

Copies of the files at the left

Common definition information

Files under Base-path\default\

Copies of the files at the left

Log files

Files under Base-path\log\

All files under the folder at the left except COMMAND

Plug-in service configuration files

Files under Base-path\plugin\conf\

Copies of the files at the left

Log and temporary files

Files under Base-path\sys\tmp\event\

Copies of the files at the left

Log files (ALLUSERSPROFILE folder)

Files under <%ALLUSERSPROFILE%>\Hitachi\jp1\jp1_default\JP1Base\log\

Copies of the files at the left

Table 10‒16: Information about JP1/Base (secondary data for the physical host)

Type of information

Data that is collected

File name

Command execution log files

Files under Base-path\log\COMMAND\

Copies of the files at the left

Event database

Files under Base-path\sys\event\servers\default\

Copies of the files at the left

Table 10‒17: Information about JP1/Base (primary data for the logical host)

Type of information

Data that is collected

File name

Configuration and definition files

Files under shared-folder\JP1Base\conf\

Copies of the files at the left

Log files

Files under shared-folder\JP1Base\log\

All files under the folder at the left except COMMAND

Event server settings


All files under the folder at the left except IMEvent*.*

Log files (ALLUSERSPROFILE folder)

Files under <%ALLUSERSPROFILE%>\Hitachi\jp1\logical-host-name\JP1Base\log\

Copies of the files at the left

Table 10‒18: Information about JP1/Base (secondary data for the logical host)

Type of information

Data that is collected

File name

Command execution log files

Files under shared-folder\JP1Base\log\COMMAND\

Copies of the files at the left

Event database



(5) Information about the operation

You need the following information about the operation at the time the error occurred: