
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Event Gateway for Network Node Manager i

jegn_start (UNIX only)

Organization of this page


This command is a script for starting JP1/IM - EG for NNMi automatically.

To use this script, you must execute the following commands after you have installed and set up JP1/IM - EG for NNMi:

# cd /etc/opt/jp1eg4nnmi
# cp -p jegn_start.model jegn_start

Once these commands have been executed, JP1/IM - EG for NNMi will start automatically at the time of system startup.

Before you execute these commands, make sure that NNMi and JP1/Base are running. If you execute these commands while the event service of JP1/Base is not running, the commands terminate abnormally with a return value of 1.

The command terminates with a return value of 0 after issuing a startup request to the processes of JP1/IM - EG for NNMi. You can use the jegn_spmd_status command to check whether the processes have started successfully.



Execution permission

Superuser permissions

Storage directory



The system takes a long time to display the execution results if the jegn_start command is executed when the NNMi incident forwarding filter definition file includes an incorrect definition. This problem occurs because the system internally checks the service start state by issuing the jegn_spmd_status command multiple times, even when the service fails to start. If the KAVB3662-I message is displayed after the command terminates, check the integrated trace log. Follow the instructions of the output message, and then execute the command again.

Return values


Normal termination


Arguments are specified; or, the event service is not running.


There is no log directory