
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


Although a response action ended abnormally, a response-action status notification event cannot be issued because the information about the response action does not exist in the ResponseAction results-management database. (detailed information = detailed-information)

Response action terminated abnormally, but response action status notification event could not be issued because there is no response action in ResponseAction results-management database.


Processing continues.


The execution of response action may be delayed due to a large number of action executions.

Review the content of response action from the following points of view.

  • If you have more than one response action for an event, you can run multiple response action together in a single batch file (shell script) to improve execution efficiency and reduce execution delay.

  • If your response action is performing unwanted stdout and stderr output, consider reducing the output. By reducing output, execution efficiency can be improved and execution delay can be reduced.