
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


An internal error occurred.(plugin : plug-in-name, function : function-name, details : detailed-information)

An internal error (argument error) occurred in the plug-in function for JP1/AJS.


The plug-in aborts processing.


Take corrective action as follows according to the cause of the error.

If a method to get the list of metrics for time-series data that can be collected was called:

  • JP1/AJS3 - Manager is version earlier than 12-10.

    Check if JP1/AJS3 - Manager where the scheduler service is defined is version 12-10 or later.

    For the name of the host where JP1/AJS3 - Manager you are going to check is installed, refer to the name with the class of _JP1AJS-M_ in the specified SID.

If a method to get time-series data is called:

  • JP1/AJS3 - Manager is version earlier than 12-10.

    Check if JP1/AJS3 - Manager where the scheduler service is defined is version 12-10 or later.

    For the name of the host where JP1/AJS3 - Manager you are going to check is installed, refer to the name with the class of _JP1AJS-M_ in the specified SID.

  • The specified metric name is an invalid string.

    For details about possible metric names, see 2.7.1 Metrics that can be retrieved from JP1/AJS in the JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager GUI Reference.

If any of the above conditions apply, eliminate the cause of the error and then re-execute the method.

If the problem is other than the above, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact a system administrator.