
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


An attempt to connect monitored host failed. (Host name: host name)

The specified monitored host does not exist.


Terminates processing.


If this message appears at startup of a remote log-file trap and the OS for the monitored host is UNIX, check the following items:

  • Is communication with the monitored host possible?

  • Is the SSH server running on the monitored host?

If no error is found by checking the above items, make sure that the SSH connection has been configured correctly.

If this message appears at startup of a remote log-file trap and the OS for the monitored host is Windows, check the following items:

  • Is communication with the monitored host possible?

  • Has the number of connections exceeded the maximum for Windows?

If no error is found by checking the above items, make sure that the NetBIOS (NetBIOS over TCP/IP) connection has been configured correctly.

If the above methods cannot resolve the problem, make sure that DCOM configured correctly on the manager host and monitored host.

If this message appears at startup of a remote event-log trap, check the following items:

  • Is communication with the monitored host possible?

  • Has the password for the user who logs in to the monitored host expired?

If no error is found by checking the above items, make sure that the WMI connection has been configured correctly.