
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


SSH connection with host "hostname" failed.(cause = cause)

The SSH connection with the host has failed.


Continues command processing.


If the following detailed information is displayed, take the indicated corrective action.

  • Acquisition of an SSH private key failed.

    Check the path to the SSH private key and make sure that the file exists and that it is accessible.

  • Authentication failed.

    Check the following items:

    • Is communication with the virtualization host possible?

    • Is the SSH server running on the monitored host?

    • Is the correct private key specified for the private key file?

If no error is found by checking the above items, make sure that the SSH connection has been configured correctly.

If detailed information other than the above is output, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact a system administrator.