
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


IM Configuration synchronization is failed.(Host name: host name, Cause: detailed-information)

The synchronization failed.


Cancels the synchronization


Take one of the following actions depending on the detailed information:

  • A timeout occurred.

    Check the following points, and then retry the operation:

    - Check whether an error occurred on a lower-level host. When host-name includes a submanager, a host under the submanager might take time for the processing. Check the integrated trace log of the submanager.

    - Check the configuration and status of the network with the host indicated in host-name. Additionally, check that JP1/Base is running on the acquired host.

    - Wait until processing by the submanager and lower-level hosts is completed, and then try to synchronize the IM configuration again. To know whether the processing is completed, check whether the message KAVB3185-I was issued on the submanager host after the timeout.

    - When there is no error on lower-level hosts but this message is issued, the duration of processing by the submanager and lower-level hosts might exceed the communication timeout period. Adjust the jbsrt_sync command to ensure that the communication timeout period is greater than the processing duration in the message KAVB3185-I issued on the submanager host.