
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


The start-definition-file failed to be read. The startup definition file will be skipped.

Reading of the indicated startup definition file is skipped because its contents are invalid.


Continues processing without reading the indicated startup definition file.


Check access permissions for the displayed log-file trap startup definition file.

Make sure that the monitoring target name and action definition file name for the running log file trap are not used in any other definitions.

Make sure that the log-file trap startup definition file or directory by the log-file trap startup definition file exists and that it is accessible. If the file exists, Manually delete the file.

Make sure the output destination of the log-file trap startup definition file does not contain a directory of the same name as the file. In addition, make sure that JP1/Base on the target host is running.

If JP1/Base on the target host is not running, perform the following corrective actions:

Start the service or process.

In the Display/Edit Profiles window, click Rebuild Profile Tree.