
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


Application of changes failed because an error occurred when moving the configuration file "file-name" for profile-type. (Detail Information: detailed-information)

An attempt to apply changes failed because a connection could not be established with the agent host.


Stops application of changes to the agent host.


If the following detailed information is displayed, take the indicated corrective action.

  • There is no access permission.

    The agent configuration on the manager might be different from the agent configuration enabled in the system, or the agent configuration on the manager might have been deleted.

    In the IM Configuration Management window, click Operation, and then Verify IM Configuration to make sure that the agent configuration matches the agent configuration enabled in the system. If the agent configurations do not match, in the Edit Agent Configuration window, click Operation and then Apply Agent Configuration to use batch distribution to make the agent configurations match. Also, check the setting of the host access control definition file (jbsdfts_srv.conf) in JP1/Base on the agent.

  • Failed to write the configuration file.

    Make sure that you have access permission for the displayed configuration file and the log-file trap startup definition file and that another application has not locked the file. In addition, make sure that a JP1/Base error message or warning message was not output to the integrated trace log on the target host and that you have write permission for the JP1/Base conf directory on the target host.

  • Failed to read the configuration file.

    Make sure that you have read permission for the displayed configuration file and the log-file trap startup definition file and that another application has not locked the file. In addition, make sure that a JP1/Base error message or warning message was not output to the integrated trace log on the target host and that you have read permission for the JP1/Base conf directory on the target host.

  • Another session has exclusive rights.

    In the Login User List window, determine whether a user has acquired exclusive access permission. If it is not problematic to do so, select the check box next to the user that has acquired exclusive permission, and click the Release Exclusive Editing button to release exclusive permission.

    Make sure that JP1/Base is running on agent host.

    If the problem cannot be resolved by taking the above action, use the data collection tool to collect the following data, and then contact a system administrator.

    • In agent host: JP1/IM-Manager, JP1/Base

    • In manager host: JP1/Base

  • The directory does not exist.

    Make sure that the specified directory exists and is accessible.

  • A required service or process is not running.

    Make sure that the relevant service or process is running. If it is not running, take the following corrective actions, and then retry the operation.

    • Start the service or process.

    • In the Display/Edit Profiles window, click Rebuild Profile Tree.

  • A communication error occurred.

    Check the condition and status of the network with the acquired managed host.

    Also make sure that JP1/Base is running.

    If JP1/Base is not running, take the following corrective actions:

    • Start the service or process.

    • In the Display/Edit Profiles window, click Rebuild Profile Tree.

  • The processing is busy. Please try again.

    Wait awhile, and then retry the operation.

  • A service or process failed to reload.

    Make sure that the relevant service or process is running and that the configuration file is correctly formatted.

    If it is not running, take the following corrective actions, and then retry the operation.

    • Start the service or process.

    • In the Display/Edit Profiles window, click Rebuild Profile Tree.

  • A memory shortage occurred on the manager host.

    Make sure that there is enough free memory on the manager host, and then retry the operation.

  • A memory shortage occurred on the agent host.

    Make sure that there is enough free memory on the agent host, and then retry the operation.

  • IM Configuration Management database-access error

    Execute the jimdbstatus command to check whether the IM database service is running, start it, and then retry the operation.

  • The log file trap service is not running.

    Check whether the log file trap service is running. If the log file trap service is not running, start it, and then retry the operation.

  • The start options were invalid.

    Check the following items:

    • Is the startup option specified correctly?

    • Is the -f or -a option specified as an additional option?

  • The log file trap of the monitoring target name "monitoring-target-name" has already been started.

    Check the log file trap running on the agent host.

  • The syntax of the configuration file is invalid, or the specified log file does not exist.

    Check the following items:

    • Are the contents of the configuration file correct? Does the specified log file exist?

    • If the specified log file path contains space characters, is it enclosed in double quotation marks (")?

    • Does the specified startup locale exist on the agent host?

    • If a multi-process trace file is monitored, is HTRACE specified for the FILETYPE parameter in the configuration file?

    • Is the log file trap service running?

    • Are there sufficient OS resources, such as disk space and memory, on the agent host?

    If the problem cannot be solved by taking the above actions, execute the JP1/Base jevlogstart command, which starts a log file trap, on the agent host by specifying the same settings as those specified for IM Configuration Management. Then make sure that the log file trap starts normally. If the jevlogstart command does not start the log file trap normally, take the corrective action for the displayed error message. If the jevlogstart command starts the log file trap normally, use the JP1/IM - Manager data collection tool to collect data, and then contact a system administrator.

  • The event service is not running.

    Make sure that the event service on the agent is running.

  • The configuration file for rollback failed to be created.

    Make sure that you have access permission for the displayed configuration file and the log-file trap startup definition file and that another application has not locked the file.

    Check the network condition and status with the acquired target.

    Also make sure that JP1/Base is running.

    If the problem cannot be resolved by taking the above action, use the data collection tool to collect the following data, and then contact a system administrator.

    • In agent host: JP1/IM-Manager, JP1/Base

    • In manager host: JP1/Base

If detailed information other than the above is output, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact a system administrator.