
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


Collection of the virtualization configuration for the host "host-name" has failed. (cause = Detailed information)

An attempt to collect the virtualization configuration failed.


Stops collection of the virtualization configuration.


If the following detailed information is displayed, take the indicated corrective action.

  • Host host-name is not found.

    Check whether the host indicated in the detailed information exists in the host list.

  • Invalid Username/Password/Domain name.

    Enter the correct user name, password, or domain name.

    If this message appears again after the correct user name, password, or domain name is entered, check whether a host name that can be resolved to an IP address is set.

  • The specified user has insufficient privilege to acquire virtual configuration.

    Make sure that the user who has permissions to acquire a virtualization configuration performed the operation.

  • A request was executed in an invalid operating environment.

    Make sure that the virtualization environment management software can manage the virtual computers.

  • SCVMM Admin Console Version is incompatible.

    Match the version of the SCVMM management console on the JP1/IM - Manager host and the version of the connection destination SCVMM so that they can be connected.

  • VMM database error.

    Make sure that VMM database is operating correctly.

  • A prerequisite component might not be available, or Username/Password/Domain name might be invalid.

    If a prerequisite product is not installed, install it, and then retry the operation.

    Check and, if necessary, correct the entered user name, password, and domain name.

    If this message appears again after the correct user name, password, and domain name are entered, check whether a host name that can be resolved to an IP address is set.

  • An error occurred in the KVM host.

    Make sure that the KVM host is operating correctly and the libvirt service is running, and then retry the operation.

  • HCSM server is busy.

    Make sure that HCSM at the connection destination is operating correctly. Wait a while, and then retry the operation.

  • Failed to login to HCSM sever.

    Make sure that you can log in to HCSM by using the specified user name and password.

  • One of the following messages is indicated in Detailed information with an HCSM error code:

    - Failed to connect to HCSM: HCSM-error-code

    - Failed to get information from HCSM server: HCSM-error-code

    - HCSM server internal error: HCSM-error-code

    - HCSM server error: HCSM-error-code

    Make sure that you can log in to HCSM by using the specified user name and password. Also make sure that HCSM at the connection destination is operating correctly.

If the problem cannot be solved by checking the above items, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact a system administrator.