
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


Collection of host information from host (host-name) partially succeeded.

Collection of host information from the remote host succeeded while collection of host information from JP1/Base failed.

Details: details

Collection of host information from the specified host partially succeeded.


Does not collect host information from JP1/Base.


If an error occurred during collection of host information from JP1/Base and the following detailed information is displayed, take the indicated corrective action. Note, however, that no action is required if you do not want to monitor an agent configuration. Even if an agent configuration is not monitored, this message will be output until the host is included in an IM configuration.

Collection of host information failed because a connection could not be established with the host host-name.

• Make sure that the connecting host is running.

• Make sure that a connection can be established with the host.

• Make sure that JP1/Base is running.

• Make sure that name resolution can be performed.

Collection of host information failed because the version of JP1/Base on the host host-name is not supported.

• Upgrade the JP1/Base version to 09-00 or later.

An attempt to collect host information for the host host-name failed because the actual host type is different from the registered host type. (registered host type = registered-host-type, collected host type = actual-host-type)

• Edit the host attribute to correct the host type. Then, retry the operation.

Collection of host information from the host "host-name" failed. (A connection could not be established with the host.)

• Execute the jimdbstatus command to check whether the IM database service is running. If the IM database service is not running, start it.

Collection of host information from the host host-name failed. (A request was executed in an invalid operating environment.)

• Make sure that the connecting host is running.

• Make sure that a connection can be established with the host.

• Make sure that JP1/Base is running.

Collection of host information from the host host-name failed. (Details:IM Configuration Management database access error.)

• Invalid data might have been sent from JP1/Base on the target host. Make sure that JP1/Base is running on the target host.

Collection of host information from the host host-name failed. (Details:There are not enough resources.)

• Make sure that there are sufficient OS resources such as disk space and memory.

Collection of host information from the host host-name failed. (The connection destination host is busy.)

• Wait a while, and then retry the operation.

Collection of host information from the host host-name failed. (Failed to send the data to the connection destination host.)

Collection of host information from the host host-name failed. (Failed to receive the data from the connection destination host.)

• Check the OS resources, memory status, and the condition and status of the network connection with the destination host.

• Make sure that IM Configuration Management Service is running on the connection destination host.

Collection of host information from the host host-name failed. (A request was executed in an invalid operating environment.)

• The IM configuration (system hierarchy information) might have been deleted.

• Click Operation, and then Verify IM Configuration to confirm that the current configuration is correct.

If detailed information other than the above is output, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact a system administrator.