
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


The syntax of the remote monitoring configuration in the specified file is invalid.

File name: file-name

Line number: line-number

Details: details

This message confirms that you want to close the Edit Agent Configuration window.


Suspends processing.


If the following detailed information is displayed, take the indicated corrective action, and then retry the operation.

  • Parentheses are not supported.

    Delete the parentheses.

  • An included character is invalid.

    Check whether any of the following invalid characters were entered:

    / : ? \" < > | \\ *

  • The host name is too long.

    Specify a host name that is not greater than the maximum length.

  • An upper host has not been specified.

    Define the host at a higher level of the agent.

  • A manager host does not exist.

    Make sure that the manager host is defined correctly.

  • The same host has been specified multiple times.

    Specify only one host.

  • The file is empty.

    Define configuration information (agent configuration or remote monitoring configuration).