
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


The syntax of the IM configuration information in the specified file is invalid.

File name = file-name

Line number = line-number

Details = detailed-information

There is a syntax error in the file being read.


Suspends processing.


If the following detailed information is displayed, take the indicated corrective action, and then retry the operation.

  • Parentheses are not supported.

    Remove the parentheses.

  • Unusable characters are being used.

    Make sure that the following characters are not being used:

    /, :, ?, \", <, >, |, \\, *

  • The host name is too long.

    Specify the host name so that it does not exceed the maximum length.

  • An upper host has not been specified.

    Define a host above the agent.

  • A manager host does not exist.

    Make sure that the manager host is correctly defined.

  • The same host has been specified multiple times.

    Specify a host only once.

  • The file is empty.

    Define the IM configuration information (system hierarchy information).

  • The IM configuration of Base Manager is invalid.

    Make sure that the IM configuration (system hierarchy information) of the site manager is correctly defined.