
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


An attempt to restore the logical host environment has failed.

An attempt to restore the original logical host environment after processing was suspended due to an error failed.


Aborts processing.

  • In Windows:

    Confirm that the backup file is in the shared-folder\jp1cons\tmp\conf\ folder, and then perform the following operations.

    1. Delete shared-folder\jp1cons\conf\ from each folder.

    2. Move shared-folder\jp1cons\tmp\conf\ to shared-folder\jp1cons\conf\.

    3. Remove the causes of other errors that occurred at the same time, and then retry the operation.

  • In UNIX:

    Confirm that shared-directory/jp1cons/tmp/conf/ is in the backup file, and then perform the following operations.

    1. Delete shared-directory/jp1cons/conf/ from each directory.

    2. Move shared-directory/jp1cons/tmp/conf/ to shared-directory/jp1cons/conf/.

    3. Remove the causes of other errors that occurred at the same time, and then retry the operation.