
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


Parameters for the operation log output function for JP1/IM - Manager contained an error. (parameter = parameter-name, cause = cause)

Parameters for the operation log output function for JP1/IM - Manager contains an error.


Starts JP1/IM - Manager with the operation log output function disabled.


Take the corrective action that is appropriate to the cause displayed, as described below.

If the problem cannot be resolved or if a message other than the following is displayed for cause, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact a system administrator.

  • If The specified file path exceeds the maximum length. is displayed for cause:

    Make sure that the length of the path specified for the parameter is 217 bytes of less.

  • If The specified file path was not found. is displayed for cause:

    Check whether the path specified for the parameter exists.

    In addition, check whether the output destination of operation log files contains a folder or directory with the same name as an operation log file.

    If such a folder or directory exists, delete it.

  • If The file path is not specified. is displayed for cause:

    Specify a valid path for the parameter.

  • If The format of the specified file path is invalid. is displayed for cause:

    Specify an absolute path for the parameter.

Restart JP1/IM - Manager to apply the value specified for the parameter to JP1/IM - Manager.