
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


The request to execute the command was rejected because the number of connected hosts to be managed has reached the maximum. (host = host-name)

The number of connections between managed hosts exceeded the maximum number that can be processed safely.


Rejects the command execution request.


Carefully review the configuration based on the restriction values given below for the number of hosts that a single JP1/IM can manage.

When close is specified as the communication type of the JP1/Base's event server configuration file (conf) on the manager host: 2,500

When a type other than close is specified as the communication type of the JP1/Base's event server configuration file (conf) on the manager host: 100 (UNIX) or 62 (Windows)

These numbers of units are the maximum that can be configured. The number of hosts that can actually be managed is limited depending on the system configuration and the network traffic.