
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


The keystore used by the communication encryption function for the Event Console Service could not be read. (file = file-name)

The keystore used by the communication encryption function for the Event Console Service could not be read.


Terminates Event Console Service.


Check the possible causes listed below, and then restart JP1/IM - Manager. If the problem cannot be resolved, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact a system administrator.

  • If the directory where the keystore is to be stored does not exist, create it.

  • If the keystore exists, check whether you have read permission for the keystore. If not, set read permission for the keystore.

  • If no keystore exists, check whether the message An attempt to create a keystore failed has been output to the integrated trace log. If so, take the corrective action given for that message.