
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


A parameter of the communication encryption function for the Event Console Service is invalid. (parameter = parameter-name, parameter value = parameter-value, cause = cause)

A parameter of the communication encryption function for the Event Console Service is invalid.


Terminates Event Console Service.


Take the corrective action that is appropriate to the cause displayed, as described below, and then restart JP1/IM - Manager.

If the problem cannot be resolved, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact a system administrator.

  • If A valid value is not specified for a parameter. is displayed for cause, set a valid value for the parameter in the common definitions.

  • If The value of a parameter is null. is displayed for cause, set a value for the parameter in the common definitions.

  • If The value of a parameter exceeds the maximum. is displayed for cause, set a value no longer than the maximum length allowed for the parameter in the common definitions.

  • If The value of a parameter is not a full path. is displayed for cause, set a full path as the value for the parameter in the common definitions.