
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


Failed to communicate with the server.

Server name=server-name

The possible causes are as follows:


Suspends processing.


Take corrective action according to the cause of the error.

  • Make sure that the manager is running.

  • Make sure that Event Service is running.

  • Retry the operation. If repeated retrying does not work, restart the viewer, and then retry the operation.

  • If you are using an integrated monitoring database, execute the jimdbstatus command to check the status of the IM database service of the manager host. If you are able to confirm that the IM database service is operating, retry the operation. If a KAVB8602-E message was output in the integrated trace log of the manager host, take the corrective action given for that message.

  • If you are using the communication encryption function, check its settings for errors.

  • Check communication with the connecting host for problems.