
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Integrated Management 3 - Manager Messages


A response was successful, but an attempt to release a response-waiting event from the hold-and-accumulate state has failed.

A response for the response-waiting event was successful, but the response-waiting event could not be released from the hold-and-accumulate state because an error occurred during deletion of the event from the file for accumulated response-waiting events.


Aborts response processing.


Check the integrated trace log of the manager to see if an Event Console Service error message was output (error messages from KAVB0001 to KAVB2000).

If a message was output, take the corrective action given for that message.

After the problem is resolved, if you want to manually delete the response-waiting event for which a response was successful, use the following procedure:

  1. Set the status of the response-waiting event to Processed.

  2. On the Response-Waiting Events page, release the response-waiting event from the hold-and-accumulate state.

If the problem cannot be resolved, check the following OS log items to see if a shortage has occurred in OS resources such as file descriptors.

  • In Windows: Windows event log

  • In UNIX: System log (syslog)

If a resource shortage has not occurred, use the data collection tool to collect data, and then contact a system administrator.